

Greatest Life Changing Habit: Reading Books!!
Hey guys, now I am going to share with you the topic which is very close to my heart " The Power of Reading". Now u may ask why reading is important?. Here goes the answer;

Reading enhances our learning habit, opens up a larger perspective to view the world and gain tremendous insight into the knowledge. It has become past six months I have cultivated this habit and you may not believe me, it has greatly transformed my life in the field of Health, Relationship, Life's Success, and Personal Growth.

Reading provides a broader vision to solve real-life complex problems and have a closer look at the current scenario in our life and the world around us. It encourages us to develop a greater and positively impactful life which indeed helps us in deserving the lifestyle we wanna have. Now, I will share with you my personal method to develop the reading habit, books are available in various categories like Fiction, Non- Fiction, Health, Relationship, Finance, Biographies, etc. My personal favorite is Self- Help Books. Here it goes;

Firstly, start with the concept of beginning small. Take any book from the category which I have listed below and start reading at least 2 pages per day for one month. Schedule fix time every day to read, it might be in the early morning or before going to sleep. Keep up this momentum and gradually increase the page numbers from two to four, four to six, six to ten, and so on for every one month you add on. Don't break the habit, as I have already given you the importance of habits in my previous blog.

Keep up this habit for one year and you will gradually be able to complete one book a year( Its enough if u are a beginner). You all will keep improving your learning and reading speed as you read every day consistently. I now have a habit to finish one book per week by following this method for over a year. You can do it too, Believe me!!

Following is the list of books you must start on if you are a beginner. These are short, crisp, and outstanding books you must read!!

1. Managing Oneself by Peter.F Drucker

2. As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

3. Who Moved My Cheese by Dr.Spencer.Johnson

4. The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery

5. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

These are short books u may complete in a month if u are a beginner. Thank You for reading, stay tuned for further learning aspects and tools.