

There were years of dust and grime in the reception of that creaky old mansion. The swirling stairs on each side covered in cobwebs of the years. The wooden bannisters rotting in places and no electricity just the dark rusted candelabras to light the place. I lit a few and looked around as I sucked in the musty air that filled this place which was so full of life at one time and yet now the ravages of time had taken their toll cold, dark and murky and a felling of such sadness filled the halls. As gloomy as it seemed I saw you walking the stairs, your fingertips lightly brushing the bannister as your hair flowed in the cold air from the broken windows. Dressed in white silk and lace and perfectly manicured hands and yet you looked more delicate than any flower and your scent of pure desire that rested upon your soft smooth skin. Finally you looked up and smiled enigmatically at me. My pulse racing as I heard you softly say co,e with me my darling, stay here with me as the delicateness of your fingers brushed my cheek. Deep and longing you looked into my eyes and I closed them for a few seconds as I was now under your spell of enchantment and I wondered what it would be like to touch you. The moments past and when I opened my eyes you were no longer there and all that was left was your necklace discarded upon the floor and the ever alluring scent which now imprisoned me.

I walked around the dark halls of the mansion for what seemed like hours. The creaking floorboards on the paint peeled stairs groaning under the weight of my not so delicate footsteps. The old artefacts and paintings hanging from the walls making me feel uneasy as i felt as if they were watching me. Where had you gone, I searched every room with their dusty white linen covers and yet I couldn’t find you anywhere but yet your scent lingered around every room. That sweet smell of bergamont with tulips and a hint of wild rose as I held your necklace within my hands. As I climbed to the top of the stairs I saw you there you were in the moonlit garden dancing elegantly but wildly with the winds of the night. Ooooh how my heart pounded to dance with her would I get that chance

I walked carefully down the stairs fearing that they may collapse at any given point in time. The rusted candelabra with its fast fading candlelight setting the pathway for me as I made my way to the garden. A chill ran up my spine in the cold night air as I caught glimpses of her dancing within the moonlight her dress becoming more tattered as she danced among the rose vines. Her body swirling slowly within the wind much to the likeness of ivy that may cling to a tree and slowly grow upon it, its tendril fingers choking all life inside of it. The hive mansion now in darkness behind me as she took my hand and we danced as she bled for the many cuts on her body and yet my own hands were being used as torniquets to stop the flow of her life source from spilling onto the ground. I suddenly realised my body and soul had become her bandage as I caught the slightest aroma of that scent again. Was this it for me was this my forever home.

We danced for what seemed an eternity in amongst the night garden around the many statues and water features not noticing the slowly creeping mist with its tendril fingers slowly clinging to our bodies. A feeling of all encompassing warmth within me as we waltzed and danced a slow tango together. The scent of her perfume driving me wild for just one more second with her as I heard the bell tower strike midnight. Her hair now flailing in the wind as the droplets of blood left a pathway for me to follow as I made my way back to the mansion. As I entered the great doorway on it’s creaky hinges I pushed the door open and there in the great hallway you stood. I watched tentatively as the young girl asked you “ mummy who was the man you were dancing with in the garden” and you replied “nobody was there with me my darling I was dancing on my own” it was then that it dawned on me that this was a lie. As I looked down at your necklace in my hand it turned into a crude looking noose and the intoxicating scent was the sweet scent of death. A sadness now filled me as I realised I was actually watching happier days of my own past before my suicide caused by the mysterious woman in white that had once meant so much to me I would have given my life for her.
© Valhalla bound