

The Ouija Board .
My name is Samantha. when I was 12 years old, I went to my Uncle and Aunt's home. From day to night I always busy in playing games with my cousins David and Natasha. My aunt's backyard was very big so we can easily play badminton to baseball. One day my parents and Uncle and Aunt was going in a party, so definitely it was going to be a nightout. David asked me for party, it was an exciting moment for me so I agreed. David also invited his best friend who was a neighbour of my uncle her name was Nori. After our parents went we all started our party we ordered some pizza and burgers eated chips pasta and play video games David suddenly asked us for playing Ouija Board. That time I don't know about Ouija Board, I asked him about Ouija Board. Natasha told me about the Ouija Board. It was board of curse, it was said that we can contact with some supernatural enteties by this board. I thought it was just a humour but since my childhood, I was a brave girl so I agreed for playing. Natasha and Nori also agreed with me. David brought the board and off all the lights of room and house he lights three candle
and opened the board. David said "is there anyone who wants to contact with us." Then the things that happened, it would be always remember by me. and swings to yes I get scared and removed my hands and they were they started laughing and he said you get scared I am sorry I was just kidding. I fully covered with anger and said don't do this again David. Again we said is there anyone who want to contact with us, but now this time our hand moves to yes again, I think it was again a prank by David. I looked at David ,but David was also looking like he was in shock then I thought it would not David, I looked at faces of Natasha and Nori too but they were also stunned like me. with some courage I asked what is your name then our hand moves to 'M,A,R,T,H,A'. David asked at what age you die are hand moves to 18 got that entity who was present in our room was a female adult Noori ask her "what is your cause of death?"she told us that she was murdered by a man. then Natasha asked very dangerous question to her "are you a good spirit or bad?" we all get scared when our hand moves to bad. I was unable to understand what is happening, now what should I do, should we leave the game or not, she was a bad spirit she can attack us I was just thinking about that, then the David screamed I asked him what happened David he word a big scratch on his stomach now I finally decided we should leave the game and I said now we have to leave the game bye-bye but David stopped me at my words and save I want to play and complete it me and Natasha not agreed for playing continue but he was ready to play me and Natasha leave the room David and Noori continue playing came to kitchen we're talking about what just happened in the room again we listened a scream now this time it was the scream of Nori. we rushed to the room so that David was lifted up, and Nori I was sitting in a corner of room. Natasha started pulling David down. I said to Natasha "we have to close the game". then me and Natasha stated to game and we said "goodbye spirit now we have to go bey,bey". Then after sometime David came down. we burnt out the Ouija Board and decided to not to tell this to our parents we take our dinner and sleep. Next day I went back to my home.

this was a horrible experience of my life.
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