

The Ouija Board .
My name is Samantha. when I was 12 years old, I went to my Uncle and Aunt's home. From day to night I always busy in playing games with my cousins David and Natasha. My aunt's backyard was very big so we can easily play badminton to baseball. One day my parents and Uncle and Aunt was going in a party, so definitely it was going to be a nightout. David asked me for party, it was an exciting moment for me so I agreed. David also invited his best friend who was a neighbour of my uncle her name was Nori. After our parents went we all started our party we ordered some pizza and burgers eated chips pasta and play video games David suddenly asked us for playing Ouija Board. That time I don't know about Ouija Board, I asked him about Ouija Board. Natasha told me about the Ouija Board. It was board of curse, it was said that we can contact with some...