


"People come out oo, trouble has befallen my family again, I was doom to remain wretched for life". I shouted seeing my house in flames. This is the third house in one year that is burning into ashes right before me, and I cannot do anything about it. I do not know the cause of this misfortune, but all I know is, "The person behind this must pay for it".
It has only been two months ever since I left Cameroon to the abroad, and my life has been put out of order. For Fourteen years I had lived in Alabama working my soul out. I have worked my life out, and build a living for myself.
And, I thought it was time to visit home again. so packaging myself, I went home for the Christmas holidays. Oh Mamfe, I was happy to be in my motherland again. The town had quite changed, and yes, they had tarred the road as compared to the red mud that was scorched on the road all theough my life in this town. it was a good development, and I liked that.
Riding my latest Lamborghini, since that was the only available car for me to take home, I parked in front of our compound. "Mama, I am home" was the first words that escaped my lips as I opened the door and step out. My mother, who was of age, but still looked like she was in her sixteen, peeping from behind the curtain, was amazed to see her son back. She raised an alarm for neighbors to hear...