

The Girl They Named Yolanda
part 2

 At the point of no return..  

   It was the year of 20o8, on the January 3rd a few days  after the year of 2007 had ended my sisters and I play with our new things we had gotten from christmas. Our oldest sister Leaves to venture to her friend's house Bored Out of our minds my younger Sister and I watch parents leave.  
    Later about an hour after around my sister starts to play music as we jammed out to it. We had decided to write a song together called this isn't a dream. It went something like .

  This aint a dream anymore   
  But this is a reality 
  getting one step closer   
  ma you can't be holding me   
  I was a baby   
  the last couple of years  
  got my heart broken   
  And I fell into tears   
  This ain't a dream anymore
  But This is reality       

    After we had finished writing the new song, a few minutes later a glimpse of silence corrupted. And when my younger sister looked at me she started to talk about wanting to find out mother who had given us up and how she was upset she wasn't old enough to file a paper to search for them. To be entirely honest I wasn't entirely sure if it was even possible that I could. 
    I said to myself something I heard my mother say as we grew up and it was something like, *A little white lie never hurt anyone,* grabbing her hand, I blurt out with confidence: that I would take her I would do it for her as soon as I turned old enough to try as I reasured her that over and over again. 

    One day l take you to met them As a smile grew upon her face, she stuck out her pinky and made me promise, She demanded I stick my pinky out as well to, and I stuck out pinky promised her back.

promise I said.

    my moms birthday was coming up, and no onw would gave guessed it would be the last celebrated with the entire Family my dad, my mom, my older sister, my younger Sister and I. As days later, Death Came, Four days later to be exact a life would be taken. A Sister, A daughter, a friend, yet I was the last to know what Had happened. 
    Alone I felt scared I was. I was being admitted to an inpatient psychiatric facility. Lost in head. As to what had happened Later That night i had called home, But there was no answered. The next day I felt a tight grip upon my feet, my mom shakes me to wake up 

"wake up i have to tell you something" she said as i slightly open my eyes 
i mumbled "what pushkin died?"

     Pushkin was our dog Who was adopted when i was four. She said no but we had to put him down and then i heard it loud and clear . my dad busted out with the my baby , my baby died and at that moment I knew