

The Tale Of Everyday
The glint, from the tiny aperture that the curtain couldn't fill, bothered the untrained eyes acquainted in darkness. It shone bright on his eyes and filled his rainbow coloured dream with despised brightness. His clinched eyelids had to untangle to see what has arrived. His gaze went on every corner of the room but couldn't find anything worth abandoning the delightful dream he was in. The sight was as colourful as it exists but the magnificence and the flamboyance was missing. But the reality it is, the dream it isn't. He knew his pre appointed day was ahead of him with all the boring chores of truth.
He was dressed like he should, or they said so. He cleaned up nicely and put on his favourite cologne with a strong fragrance that made his mother wince her nose in displeasure. He liked that. He liked to bother his mother because he thought she looked cute when she was angry. After the mundane reluctant custom of unwilling tenancy, he was atlast on the road going for work. He played the song he plays everyday on the way to his job, "We will rock you" by queen. He relates to the song on the atomic level. He sings along and feels like freddy mercury for that moment. He drove through the busy traffic but today nothing irked him. His usual annoyance was exchanged with a smile. The pleasant weather, or so they all thought it was, changed to rumbling skies and thunder. The disturbance in the weather was synonymous to how he felt under that smile he wore.
When he was a child, he had ambitions, pursuits, enthusiasm and the hunger to live. With time something altered the way he thought. He knew if he fell down his father will pick him up. If he felt feeble his mother would make him sleep on her lap singing lullabies in her blissful voice. He knew that would calm him down. But now nothing worked. Those lullabies turned into burdens. Burdens he didn't want to haul. Her old and shaky voice made him realise what she deserved from him but only got dismay in return. He knew his father would still try to pick him up if he falls down but he was old, his wrinkles showed the storms he faced in his lifetime.
His mind was time travelling. All the memories came and went like a pendulum. He had this sudden rush he couldn't understand. Reckless explosion of feelings. The weather turned for worse or for the best. Downpour was heavy and the visibility was scarce. He felt like the clouds. He could relate the waterdrops with his feelings. He could feel the weight of every drop. Even the drop on his cheek that left his eye unnoticed. He saw a bridge and a thought crossed his mind. What if? What if he could end all the misery and pain right there? His hands clenched the steering wheel. He smiled and pushed the gas peddle to its last. He could see all his worries going away. Time passed slowly for him in that moment. He could hear his mother's wail. He could see his father's damp eyelids with which he was stopping a tsunami of emotions. But nothing mattered that moment. His car broke the boundaries of the bridge, maybe symbolising the boundaries he had created in his lifetime. Everything went calm. The stillness of emotions was haunting and soothing as well. He closed his eyes and the now the unnoticed drops from his eyes were noticeable and every drop releaved him of his agony and suffering. He saw his parents, he stretched his arms to hold them for the last time. He couldn't. He knew what a terrible mistake he has done. The last face he saw was his own, from when he was a kid, smiling back at him. The last thing he heard with a smiling face was the crashing of his car on the ground. Everything went dark. There was no life after death. This was it. He felt nothing. It was silent and lonely.
The glint, from the tiny aperture that the curtain couldn't fill, bothered the untrained eyes acquainted in darkness. It shone bright on his eyes and filled his rainbow coloured dream with despised brightness. His clinched eyelids had to untangle to see what has arrived. His gaze went on every corner of the room but couldn't find anything worth abandoning the delightful dream he was in.