

Do not criticize,Give your feedback😊
I was listening to a talk on depression a few days back.

We can transform our inner journey of doubts, fear, and hurt. Embrace our inner spark of love, joy, and peace.

The mind like any other gadget we hold so dear is very fragile.
It is the most powerful as well. It feeds itself with many conscious and subconscious thought process through hearing and listening.

What do we prefer to hear more, The feedback or the criticism?
The human mind has trained itself to be rather critical than emphatical.

The transformation from childhood to adulthood and as we age we find ourselves still critical on many things around.

Till one day we may realize the life is short and we are joyful and peaceful beings.

What I wish to humbly convey to the dear society, is let us give our feedback and not criticism.

Instead of saying, "You are wrong, cruel, or insane 🙂

We can say instead, You are right, you can add or improve here and there, that will make it much beautiful and worthwhile.

The words are truly a magical mystery.
We are unaware that it can not only hurt us but also belittle us.
It can as well heal and uplift.

We are facing the challenge of managing the youth or growing kids who wish to live according to their principles.

I call it not principles rather space to think, make mistakes, rectify, explore.

Do we forget we all seek a calm, composed and beautiful space, isn't it?

What is your feedback?
How strongly do you wish to criticize the current scenario?

Life brings many opportunities and it takes many as well.

The moment we reflect on our practical and positive feedback.

The devil within will transform and heal to be a quick guide towards a productive and meaningful hour each day.

Do you feel lonely when you are criticized?

I feel empathetic towards others when I see the world wants me to improve rather been criticized 🙂 <3

Happy hour to all <3

💁‍♀️💁‍♀️"Criticism focuses almost entirely on the problem. It points out the problem (often many times) without providing or suggesting a practical, workable solution. Feedback focuses on recognizing the problem and then working with the recipient to come up with ways to resolve issues, correct problems, and move forward."👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👦-Quote

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