

thoughts within my mind
Until 2 years ago my step father died in an airplane crash. My mother got all his fortune and married another rich man. My mother took me with her but my other 3 step siblings where taken to am orphanage. I felt so bad for them because my mother acted like she truly carried for them. This made me wonder if she truly carried for me. I wondered what did she have planned for me. Soon after her wedding she was pregnant with my new step father child. She had the child and named her Elizabeth. I was the one mostly taking care of her but I didn't mind I loved her. Soon after someone poisoned my step father's drink but he survived. They one who poisoned the drink was probably my mother. My father suspected my mother but she put the blame on me. Without regards to my future. My step father listened to my mother and then tried to have me excited. A man saved me and we ran from italy. I left my little sister behind like we couldn't take her with us but I felt so bad. At the time I was only 7 years old. When we left the man sold me off to the military so he could get out of his duties. I fled the military after my 2 year surviving and I started to crave for vengeance. I was 9 years old when I went back to italy and found my mother. While I was there I learned that my little sister and my 2 step father died in a fire...

© Samantha_Ayala