

Man reproduces his kind through the process of reproduction. This leaves us with the fact that every child does not exist alone but they are associated or a product or of who we term parents.
An adult today was once a child and they tend to leave those things they do as a child, which is no problem.
Paul said when I was a child I spoke as a child,I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man I put away childish things. 1corn.13:11
What then is intent for writing the adult child, I decided to write this article when I found out how adult take things in their hands, with this mentality I have things under control, do we?
Here is the shocker our father in heaven the father of all fathers the almighty, fathers everyone, ponder on this a little.
When we say we are children of God that means we need to act as a child when it comes to the basic necessities we require why our father is the almighty.
I have seen adult worry for things they cannot solve, things that are way beyond them, things that they can’t control.
The concept of being a child and an adult simultaneously should not be over looked children have a very unique character, no wonder you have to be born again(become a new born) to enter the kingdom of God. To access the kingdom of heaven you have to be a child amazing. You may say really so adult can’t but that not the idea behind this . They possess certain traits which is why the bible recommends we have to be like them to access the kingdom. They are care free, they worry less ,they solely depend on their parents for everything,they believe their parents to the later. they don’t carry grudges.
If we claim we are children of God do we possess all these ?
Do we allow our thinking take the better part of us being a child of God is indeed acting as a child.
Allow God sort it out and you would have peace.
Who are you today a child of God or an ADULT of God.

© kel