

Struggle of Life
Allah SWT (God) always try to pour on us His blessings. We never come to an end to praise His blessings . He always stays with each and every one . We observe deeply, when we face in any problem or any disease , why is it happening with me , but why not with others. We try to complain about it to Allah SWT (God) , we don't try to see His blessings even in these situations . We are human beings definitely , we fear to face any problem or any disease but actually , He try to add some specific points in your C.V. , if you work hard or smartly . We complain to Him , we are asking that You blessed others then why not me ?, but He answered - 'Fool, Stupid , I am busy to blessings upon you also , look around of you and in you ' ( 'you' mean human beings). So , we shouldn't complain to almighty Allah SWT (God), rather we should focus that how to make better situations in those difficulties and pray to Him to support you, to stand with you .And be grateful to Him by bowing your head .