

Shadows whisper at night chapter 4
Levi wakes up from sleeping.A love song starts too play on the alarm radio.He goes to eat breakfest and looks outside too see a huge billboard with a heart.He finishes eating and goes to brush his teeth.The toothpaste brand has a heart on it.He goes to his room to dress and and the announcer talks
"Hello hello I know no inturuptions but tommorow is Valentines day and Im planning a special ring for a special woman tonight.Clara I love you and I want too go on a date tonight.I got something special for you bae..."
Levi turns the radio off and sighs sadly.This is a love chapter but of course

Levi goes to sit on his coach and flips through channels.Birds chirpinv and flying in pairs and a couple jogging by laughing and holding hands.Levi flips through love movie after series after specials.As he flips through them looking bored and holding his hand against his head.
"Have you spoken too Laura!?"
Sasha Yells at Levi waiting for an awnser.
"You scared me.Gotta get you a bell."
"That doesnt awnser me!"
"Ok ok...no its just too awkward..."
"Its like a love story come on.I love Love.Its an amazing feeling and I can tell you teo deserve to be together!"
"Ive tried love before...Before Laura it was my ex wife and that was more or less forced and before her it was another woman...kind and sweet.She was my everything.She didnt make it through though."
"Sorry for your loss..."
"Its fine dont worry about it."
Sasha looks up like she said something wrong and Levi smiles to confort her.He head pats her too console her.
"Watcha say we just chill today?"
Sasha yells in joy feeling better.So the two spend the day with eachother.They watch q movie or two,they cook together and lastly they tell stories around a fire while eating roasted marshmellows.After a while Levi tucks her in
"Are you going to be over the entire Love thing?"
"Yeah I'll be fine.Today was fun I'll never forget it."
"You promise to never forget!?"
Sasha asks curiously
"I pinkie swear."
Levi and Sasha pinkie swear on it.Levi smiles as he turns on the nightlight and goes to bed.He sleeps very easily and dreams of a woman wearing a blue dress with a blue hat.She has and umbrella and the wind blows a large amount of roses past her.She holds her hat tight and then speaks the words
"Who do you love deficiente?"
Levi wakes up immidiatly.The dream was diffrent form others.This time the words dont echo in his mind.He gets up and his phone goes off.He opens it up and see's a message from Laura.It reads
"Hey moron.We need to speak about the other night.Meet me at the perfetta café."
Levi immidiatly think of dressing in a suit.Bennie licks his toes showing he's awake.Bennie has ribbon on his back.He waits at the doorframe for Levi.Levi gets up and follows him to the front door.Outside tye front door is a box with no label it only says
"Wear this deficiente."
He remembers the woman in the dream said the same thing.He takes the box inside and is shocked to see a pair of nice black dennims,a white hoodie and a nice pair of branded shoes and socks.He's shocked.Its clear that this shadow is unlike the others.Up to this point he had always helped shadows.Maybe this was a case where the shadows would help him?He dresses in the clothes and says goodbye to sasha before grabbing his phone and leaving.He drives down to the café and see's Laura in a brown coat that reaches the knees and a black skirt with leggingg on in the window sitting alone drinking a americano.Levi builds up breath and crosses the street to go inside.Before he can the ground starts to shape shift.His surroundings spin in a circle until there is nothing left.He falls and lands on the same road accept the city is gloomy and abbandoned.Allot diffrent from the normal city with its sunny valentines feeling.He walks around for a bit trying to make sense of whats happening.He see's the woman from his dreams standing in the street.
"Oh...You scare me deficiente!"
The woman says in an Italian accent.
"Oh it means Moron as Ive seen her call you."
"Acctually my name is Levi."
"Whatever you say deficiente!"
"Your not listening are you?"
"Your probably wondering why youbare here am I right?"
"Well yes...Other shadows have never dome anything close to this new world thing."
"Oh this...hmm well this is the land of the aiutare shadows.Or the land of the helping shadows."
"I see...why am I here?"
"You have been through bad hearth break.Allot of grief and bad luck so we shall go through your story and what you shall do next.I am here to help you deficiente."
"Why do I need help?"
She says as red roses fly toward Levi.The roses blind him ans he wakes up in a theater.His life when he was young around 17 on the screen
"Shall we orologio?"
"This was when I was just entering a millatery school.I was on my break with Eve."
A young Levi is joking around with a girl.Full black hair and green eyes.She is Eve.
"This is the day I decided to quit the school.The day she confessed.She was planning on helping me leave so I wouldnt have to go to army.I was one of the best students though.Leaving would be tough."
Levi walks into a general's office.
"Cut the crap recruit.You wanna leave to chase some piece of ass!?"
"With all respect sir I want to leave so I can live life with the girl of my dreams."
"Dreams huh?What about your dream in the millatery.If you stay you can have every brunet girl in the damn state!"
"Sorry sir."
Levi shakes he's so affraid.He bows down
"I resign!"
"Fine...Dont ever show your Goddamn face here ever again.Get the hell out."
Levi leaves.He's thrilled with the adreniline.He runs outside and meets up with Eve.He grabs her and hugs her
"I did it."
"You did?!"
"Come meet me at the tree.I have to tell you something."
She leaves
"She wanted to show me something at our tree.Near some abbandend villiage.Thats where I got that ring."
Current Levi says
Its nighttime.Levi walks up to the tree all dressed up in a suit.Eve waits wearing a white dress similiar to that of Laura's
"Dressed to impress I see."
"Well I couldnt meet you looking like a scoundrel now could I?"
Eve laughs.She hands over a little black box.Inside is a titanium ring.
"Wow...this is way too much I cant..."
"Take it.I needed to give you something before I leave to go on vacation."
"Thats when we confessed"
Current Levi says
"Eve...I...Im...what Im trying to say is..."
"I love you Levi."
"I love you to."
"Ever since day one three years ago.I knew it was meant to be."
Levi leans in and kisses Eve.Current Levi sheds a tear.
"The next day..."
The next day Levi is kissing goodbye Eve.She gets into a car and the car drives off.While halfway in a fourway stop a truck not paying attention runs a red light and crashes into the car.The truck driver is deceased and so is Eve.
"Why the hell are we watching this!?"
Levi yells
"Because after this you were forced to stay out of the millatery school and marry the daughter of your fathers best friend.She was a very un nobale person who cheated on you multible times no?"
The shadow asks

"Yeah it is but what the hell does that have to do with you?"
Levi asks
"You must learn to love again amd Laura is but your only way deficiente!"
"I see..."
"Then there is the shadow girl."
"Sasha?What about her?"
"She is a shadow.No one knows what she is doing.If she is telling a story being helped or helping.She just stays with you but she will not stay forever Levi.You need to think of the future."
Levi is silent for a bit then speaks
"I'll keep her by me.Maybe she is special.Im not letting go of Sasha.I wont."
"You are like her father I see.But you must remember that she is a shadow.You will have to let go someday."
Levi is silent for a while but then speaks
"So what do I have to say too Laura?"
"That is up to you.But you must think of your past and learn."
The room is filled with silence.Until Levi finnally decides to talk
"I know what to say...take me back."
"Are you sure deficiente?"
Levi smiles and wpies away his tear
"This time I'll make it right."
The woman flicks her fingers and the world as fast as it dissapeared comes back.
"Good luck."
Levi gets honked by a car and waves sorry as her runs across the street.He walks into the café and sits by Laura immidiatly
"You walk infront of cars now moron?"
Levi looks serious
"I have to stop ypu right there Levi.We cant do this.Its un profesional and your my patient it would break all the rules."
Levi wants to agree but remembers the word
(Learn from your past)
"Laura...that shouldnt matter.I can see it.You have to feel the same way."
"Levi...dont do this not here."
"What!?...Are you gonna make me say it!?"
"Levi your making a scene please just dont..."
"I love you Laura...L O V E I spelt it.Youve helped me through so much weve spent so much time together I mean come on!?"
"That was because of my job!I cant just do all this it ws just an act..."
"Thats crap and you know it!I wont let you say it was all an act!A therapist doesnt spend time with their patient.Trust them as much as you do.Help them as much as you did!"
Laura puts money on the counter and walks away.Levi follows her.She walks outside the café to her car anf Levi stops her
"Please Laura...you cant just pretend you dont feel the same."
"What the hell dp you want from me Levi!?I love you ok but we cant just damn do this!"
Levi walks forward and stand infront of Laura
"All this damn time...you care more about your cheating ex wife or that girl you loved in school!Did you even see me before you could see shadows!"
She cries
"Years...I felt this way...but now you feel the same when I was getting over you!Do you even care how others feel Levi!?"
He gentley moves her hair out of her face.He leans in and their lips touch.Laura kisses back leaning in on her tip toe's.The sun glares perfectly.The birds chirp and butterflies fly around.Cyan butterflies and Levi hears a whisper
"Well done deficiente!"
The kiss lasts only a few seconds but feels allot longer.As the two break away Laura smiles
"Why couldnt you feel this way sooner...Moron."
Aww's can be heard from everyone in the café.
"Umm...did she say shadows?"
A man with ice white eyes and brown hair asks his group
"Who cares."
A woman with pink hair and eyes says saracasticly.She reads a book.
"I found a book back at the office.Its about shadows.A woman tells the story of how she encountered one."
Laura says
"Thats amazing.Can we maybe check it out?"
"So your using me for info aernt you?Moron."
The two laugh and share a short kiss.Levi runs to his car and the two drive to the office.As theh reach it Laura opens up a gate to her office and reqds through her books.
"The war of the races,Space to live...hmm...Here I found it!"
"Shadows whisper at night?Weird title"
"Its about a woman who encountered a shadow.The shadow told her about a shadow queen and how only special people can see shadows.She goes into detail about it all.Everyone thought it was fantasy but obviouslly she was like you."
"Thank you so much."
Levi says.He looks up and see's Laura blushing
"Whats wrong?"
"Feels so strange being around you now..."
"There isnt any reason to feel weird."
He leans in and kisses her
"A moron who loves you..."
The two laugh at his joke.A while passes and Levi decides to go home.At home he starts reading through the book.A story of a woman who had encountered a shadow peaks Levi's intrests.

"Hi my name is Sarah sherbowski.When I was 16 I was walking alone and something wonderfull happend.The sun set and I saw the place around me change.It was all dark like an infinite room and was only me,a little light blue butterfly and a shadow.Almost like a ghost a shadow is a soul of a human.Either they were doing bad things for good reasons and had to be set free or they would be there to do good things for certain humans so they could live life better.Some of them were very odd just telling tales of their life...but this one I met...His name was Gabriel and he was so odd to say the least...He kept talking about salvation as he explained shadows.I was afraid and wanted to leave this dark place but he kept sayinh I needed help and...he was right.He warned me that my mom had a illnes that had to be treated imidiatly and that I had to calm down and listen.I got curious and he told me about a special sort of shadow.A shadow that wasnt there to help others or to be helped.They werent there to tell a tale but rather there to...well no one knows...They just satyed in someone's life and lived there with no real meaning.They stuck to the place they had died.For the most part they were murdered and that has something to do with them staying.I cant really explain it but there was something else extremely dangerous.There were humans unlike me who could constantly hear and see shadows.It was warned that if I had that ability I was to stay far away from shadows or a weird creature named the "soul shadow" would get angry and hunt me down.A being who wore a mask with symbols no culture or race could underatand on it.A long scyte almost like a grim reaper.
"Be carefull because it ruins life" is what he told me.If you are a shadow helper I highly recomend staying far away from shadows and intefering with the soul shadow because it wont end well..."
Levi closes the book.He thinks of the types of shadow and the soul shadow.He cant help it feel affraid.His phone gets messaged but Levi cant move.He looks at the door of his bedroom and see's a dog sitting with its tong hanging out.It looks like a shadow and he knows its not Bennie.The shadow walks up to his bed and sits next to it.He tilts his head like he's confused.Levi freezes and does not know what to do.

What will happen next...which shadows will Levi face...is the soul shadow a problem...All of these shadows whisper at night ans they seem to be changing Levi's life...What will happen I am oh so curious of the story now.

© salvation writing

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