

Unforgettable Love pt. 3
Aashish kept rejecting the calls. His eyes were bloodshot. Rohit came to his hostel room.
Rohit— AASHISH? What are you upto?
Aashish— What?
Rohit — Why aren't you picking her call? She is eating my head.
Aashish— I'll never forgive her!
Rohit— But what she did?
Aashish— She cheated on me. She gone to watch movie with KESHAV.
Rohit— KESHAV? WHY? I mean—
Aashish— He's such an Asshole.
Rohit— Come On, Aashish. Watching a movie with a guy isn't that what you're thinking.
Aashish— They even shared a kiss.
Rohit— WHAT??...