

No Sens
#Life #yasmi6503
hey guys.
will some of you will wonder why this story is named NoSens.well here is the answer
No sens is to sit front of blank paper thinking which fairy tale you'll write next.
No sens is to spend your life making people pleased but not your self
No sens is to try to get more money because it's reason of happiness for some people
No sens is to pay a lot of attention what people say about you or to make one judjment define your life
No sens is to live with fear of not reaching to your goal and making one failure destroy your futur
No sens is to stay stuck into the past hoping to find answers to your present
No sens is to work so hard for something you will never had.
So if you want to do something make a sens in your life just live it with your own way , no judjment no rules because life is so short and worth to risque for
life like you want because it's no sens to write these words and no understand the meaning of.