

Losing someone dear to you may not be the most beautiful thing. At times we tend to take those who cherish us for granted. Every friend and family is a gift from the universe to take us through the impossible times. Some people are gems worth keeping and as for some they aren't exactly the right companions for you.
Everyone feels differently about losing someone; the wave of emotions that strikes after realising you lost someone precious to you. Regret, anger, self-loathe, sorrow name it all. We start to think back and ask ourselves what did the other party do wrong because we refuse to blame ourselves for what happened or even admit we had a hand in the situation.
Sometimes we lose friends because of small petty reasons. Sometimes we are too unreasonable and refuse to step down because of our pride; we take it as 'stooping to low' by asking for a second chance but it's the little things that matter. If deep down inside you feel you lost someone dear to you then you should be willing to go that far.
The little things that matter. The small acts are the ones that actually matter in a relationship. Remember actions speak louder than words; our actions elaborate more to what we speak. We can tell who cares and who doesn't through the small things done.