

Trip Gone Bad
Wow, it's been a while since I've seen my two college buddies I wonder what they are up to hmm let me contact them real quick hold on...

Ashley - Hello
Ziah -Hey ash this ziah
Ashley - Omg hi
Ziah - It's been a long time since we talked
Ashley - I know right, hold on let me click star in
Ziah - Ok
Star - Hello
Ashley - Guess who's on the phone
Star - David?
Ashley - We broke up
Ziah - Wait did I hear that right
Star - Ziahhhhh
Ziah - Hi star
Star - Ughhh I'm so mad at you
Ziah- I know don't be, I miss you ladies so much... Let's take a trip
Ashley - I'm so down with that
Star - I am too what do you have in mind?
Ziah - Remember we always talked about going to the resort in mali
Star - What ! all the time
Ashley - Yes, Yes & Yes
Ziah - Is two weeks enough time to get things set up?
Ashley - Yes send me all the details
Star - Me too, I'm so excited
Ziah - Me too this is going to be fun

We face time every single day because we haven't talked or been around each for seven well I haven't been around for seven years I went off to become a nurse ashley & star remained in the same city because they have family there I didn't so it was easier to depart but it was extremely hard leaving two of my best friends...

Star - Are we leaving for mali tomorrow morning?
Ziah - Yes I'm so ready to have fun with my two best friends...

Beep beep beep
The alarm is going off
Ugh five more minutes!

Now I'm up still sleepy but our flight leaves at 6 am I make sure the lady's are up and ready to leave and they were, we met downstairs at 4 am checked out and waited for our cab ashley isn't a morning person so she was being so mean but we are used to it so it wasn't a bother we made it to the airport at 5:02 am because we weren't that far away from the airport we check our flight then rush to grab a quick bite to eat almost miss the flight because of me I was being picky as always now we walking and rush eating trust me that wasn't fun at all but at least we ate something because we have a long flight ahead of us...

Ashley - They calling our flight
Star- Yes finally airports get on my nerves
Ziah & Ashley - Oh we know ( Laughing)

We finally boarding the plane we found our seats , we talked and laughed for about 30 minutes next thing you know I was asleep I woke up to attention passengers I was ready to get off the plane and create more memories with my friends once we get in the lobby star stomach almost ate me and alshely the loudest roar ever lol

Star- Ok let us find our driver because I'm hungry
Ziah - Where are they because I don't want to be eaten by you
Star - Shut up ( Laughing )

We see the driver holding a sign with our names on it
Driver Here

Seeing that sign was like yes let's get this trip on the role we make it to our resort at 5:15 pm we walked in and were greeted with drinks and dancing people the energy was amazing, we finally get checked in then we made our way to the rooms and when I say everything was tropical just the way we like it, we pick which room we want then we took showers and got dress , we went downstairs to check out the food and drinks oh boy they didn't disappoint the people here are so nice food & drinks are amazing, this guy comes up to us and say hi ladies I'm having a party tonight you ladies should come we all agreed because we had nothing else planned tonight we dress and ready to have a great night so why not ...

Star - He seems cool
Ziah-Yeah he does
Ashley - Here is the address for the party tonight
Star- Hopefully this isn't a waste of time
Ziah -Right
Star- Come on don't be party poopers
Ashley - Ok fine

We leave the resort and go to this nearby bar, got more drinks and met more people we were having a good time that we didn't realize it was now 11 pm we vacate the bar called a cab then we went to the party , wow I'm so glad we came because we had the best night of our lives...

Ashley- You ok star?
Ziah - She's drunk it's time for us to leave

We back in a cab going back to the resort star is so drunk that she keeps falling asleep in the cab we make it to the resort I get out first because star is so drunk we have to carry her upstairs we put her in the bed and I grab the trash can put it by her bed & I told ashley I'm going to take a shower then I'm off to bed we said our goodnight's , I took a shower wrote in my schedule book then I was knocked out, I woke up at 6:37 am I wanted to order breakfast so I went to ask ashley what she wanted then I went to star room and she wasn't there I go back to ashley room and ask did star come in here the look on ashley face let me know she didn't see her so I called her phone but I hear it ringing from the room that she wasn't in I run back to ashley and yelled get up now star is gone...

Ashley-She probably went for a walk
Ziah-She wouldn't leave her phone
Ashley - let's go downstairs

We looked everywhere and couldn't find her, we go back to our room & we waited keeping faith that she was ok 40 minutes later we hear the door close we both jump up and run to the door the moment we see star we just stop and look not knowing what to say because she had blood all over her my mind is racing because I don't know what happen...

Ashley - Star
Star- He's dead ( Crying )
Ziah - Who's dead ?
Star - The guy!
Ziah - What guy

Knock Knock Knock
Hotel Security

Ziah - Go take a shower now
Ashley - Hi is everything ok ?
Security - Someone said they saw a girl covered in blood
Ziah- Omg really, what happen?
Security - That's what I'm trying to figure out
Ashley - Good luck, I hope the girl is ok
Security - Me too, I'm sorry to bother you ladies
Ziah - It's ok you are doing your job

Ziah-Ash wtf
Ashley - What are we going to do?
Ziah - We don't even know what happen
Ashley - Well clearly our best friend killed someone
Ziah- We don't know that

We sat in silence until star got out of the shower , I could not wrap my head around anything that was happening...

Star-Guys I'm going to jail
Ziah-Star WHAT happen??

Like For Part. 2 Of Trip Gone Bad If You Want To Know What Happen Next.
© Qween Pooh Rainbow