

Once upon a Journey
Once upon a time a simple journey could take days either by walking, carriage or horseback, today we can wake up in the morning and travel to another part of the world and still arrive in the morning because of time zones, travel has enhanced the lives of many, we started with a simple bicycle but maybe did beat this with the ark, so we have to say boats fitted in relatively early, then came the steam train, quickly followed by cars and aeroplanes, followed by helicopters and even rockets to the moon, we take travel for granted these days but many people have lost their lives for us to achieve these milestones which probably started off as a dream that someone turned into reality, there have been so many clever people in my lifetime, let alone those that came before, so this is my tribute to those that have made it possible for us to sample different cultures etc first hand, we have it easy thanks to our forefathers, may we carry on learning and leaving legacies for future generations.
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