

Trapped in the Game
I remember how it all started. The nightmares, the screams. I was making my way through the bustling city streets of Orion, music blasting in my ears as I lost myself in my thoughts. I couldn't have been more oblivious to the world around me. The vibrant energy of the city enveloped me, and I smiled. I was finally free.

Suddenly, a speeding car slammed into me. Time seemed to slow, and a tearing pain shot through my body as I was sent flying. I was a ragdoll of limbs, my body twisting and contorting in the air. The world was spinning in a chaotic whirlwind of noise as I landed on the asphalt, every nerve ablaze with agony. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I gasped for breath, my mind reeling in shock and disbelief.

Fear overwhelmed me as I felt myself slipping away, my consciousness fading into the abyss. My heart was heavy with sorrow as I closed my eyes to the muffled and distant screams of the bystanders, a flock making their way to my body, a little girl breaking into tears.

Then I awoke with a rustle of leaves and a soft murmur of wind surrounding me. I blinked, my head throbbing as I struggled to make sense of what was happening.

The car crash seemed so long ago, the searing pain but a memory. A bird called in the distance as I rose to my feet. Leaves rustled as I stepped forward, surveying the unfamiliar landscape before me.

Questions swirled in my mind. Why was I spared? Was this the afterlife? Trembling, I started to walk. I had to get out of this place before dark. Hopefully, I could find civilization and find out what happened.

Venturing deeper into the woods, I felt a sense of unease wash over me. The hair on my neck stood up as I swallowed, realization hitting me. I was not alone. Whoever was out there could give me some answers.

I called out, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

I relaxed as I heard a rustle—finally, someone who could rescue me. However, my relief was short-lived. It wasn't human. A giant muscled boar ran straight at me, its eyes filled with fury, flank blood-streaked. I gasped, and just as I thought I was going to die a second time, a body collided with mine, pushing me out of the way. I gasped, surprise turning into fear: fear and confusion. The mysterious guy jumped back up, pulling me with him, and we sprinted as the boar made a U-turn back for us.

"Run!" He yelled, pushing me forward as he stood his ground.


He pulled out a small dagger. "Go!"

I didn't want to leave him alone, but I also didn't want to die. It wasn't so fun the last time. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, cursing as branches cut my face. As I finally broke into a clearing, heaving and panting, I began to wonder. Who was the stranger that had saved me?

I sat there, curling myself into a ball. As I rocked, I began to panic. My breath was coming out louder, my heart was racing, and my collar was threatening to choke me. Relax, I told myself. Everything is going to be alright. There has to be a reason you're not dead yet. As I sat there, mentally drained and itchy from the grass, I let out a sigh of relief as a shadow stumbled toward me. The stranger was alive.

I stood up, almost tripping on a splayed root before me, and opened my mouth in a series of questions.

"Who are you, and what am I doing here?
Are you alright?" I faltered as I made out the crimson soaking his shirt.

"Hold your horses, princess. My name's Luke, and I know just as much as you."

As he staggered up to me, a metallic smell to him, I realized the blood wasn't his. He jerked his shirt off in a swift, single motion, squeezing the scarlet liquid onto the ground between us.

"Riley," I whispered, trying hard to ignore the scene before me. "Thanks for, you know." I motioned in the air.

"Don't worry about it."

His jaw still hanging open, he waved to a figure behind me. I spun around, coming face to face with two impossibly big doe eyes. She held a rope, eyes glistening in the heat. She ran over to Luke, and the two embraced. He cupped her jaw, his still bloody hands caressing her gently. She went in for a kiss.

I turned away, my face heating up, a pang of envy hitting me hard. It wasn't even the longing for him but rather empty wishes to be held and loved that way. I shook my head, bits of their whispers loud enough to make out.

"I thought I lost you. I'm so, so sorry. It will never happen again." His voice sounded rushed and urgent as she put her fingers to his lips.

"Shush. We're alive now; that's all that matters." Her voice was a gentle whisper, soothing as a lullaby.

I cleared my throat, searching the clearing for any more surprises or nightmares lurking among us.

"We have to get going," I said, "The sun's beginning to set, and we can't be out in the open like this." I didn't know the first thing about surviving in the wild, but I knew we weren't safe out here. Another boar could come out at any moment, or some other creature set on destroying us.

"This is Aria. Aria, meet Riley. I found her stumbling through the forest, needing some rescuing." He flicked his knife in my direction.

"Where did you get that?" I gazed down at his hand. I didn't remember waking up with any weapons.

He shook his head, "I just happened to find it beside me. Didn't you see a weapon, too?"

I shook my head as Aria reached for his hand.

Tiptoeing, she whispered in his ear. "I forgive you." A flash of pain lit his face as he pulled away, shaking his head and setting out. He looked as if struck by lightning. Aria let him go.

"Riley's right. We have to find a place to survive the night. I think I saw the outline of a cave earlier. Follow me."

Chapter 2 Coming Soon. ♥️
Follow for part 2. 😄

© Adaiah