

The Carnival
A semi-short horror story.

Why can't anybody hear me? I've been yelling for hours, stuck in this stupid mirror room. In a probably closed down and empty carnival by now. They should change the name to Endless mirror hallway. Seriously. I can't get out. I can't find my way out. I don't know why, every year I've always been able to find it, now I go to a different one and I can't get the hell out of here.

I slump down on the floor, and defeated. I was contemplating on just laying down and sleeping for awhile, it didn't look like anybody was coming to rescue me anytime soon, at least. I was taking off my sweatshirt to fold it into a ball and use as a make-shift pillow when I heard a low but barely hearable thump, like something closing, or an object hitting something far down the mirror hallway. Too far for me to see what it was.

"Hey!" I shouted, hoping for somebody to hear and help me, but to no avail there was no reply.

I sighed, frustrated. I needed to pee and I was starting to get hungry. I had bad hunger pains, the ones that make it hard to breath and feel like you could burp up as many bubbles as it takes for two years to go round and round. I felt like I hadn't eaten in days, although I just ate breakfast earlier today.

Another thump down the split apart mirror paths, that made me jump. A creepy laugh sounded from down the hall, closer than the thump, but still too far for me to see.

I recoil to slink farther down part of the hall I was in, when I hear another giggle and the most quitest whisper, "Allisa." Still so far away, but closer, almost seeming to whisper behind me. My eyes almost popped out of my head, I stay rooted to my spot. Barely even breathing, now completely terrified, I stare without blinking down the hall as a hand emerges from the corner of one of the pathways, a body comes out into view shortly after.

A long lengthy man, with sharp razor teeth, protruding from his mouth visible, red blood soaked his jaw, and suit. He chitters his teeth, snapping them and rubbing them together mockingly and cackles, "Allisa." Drawing the 'a' out for a few moments, this whisper turned out to be a scream at the end that had me scrambling to my feet, grabbing my sweatshirt and sprinting the opposite way I had came from. I heard footfalls behind me.

"ALLISSAAAAAAA" The Man screams at me.

I started crying out loud, tears threatned to pour on my cheeks, "Fuck. Fuck. Stop! What are you?" I yelled back over my shoulder, but I regretted it when I hear a high-pitched almost siren-like scream. Almost like a whistle, or a woman who sings opera in the highest octave available.

The shrieking was too much, it made me instantly stop running, had me buckling over and drop to the ground. I closed my eyes and covered my ears, feeling every beat of my heart, like a thumpung beating drum loud in my chest, it hurt so much. I screamed along with the creature, waiting for the searing pain that comes right before the inevitable death I predict.But it never comes, instead what welcomes me is silence, I let my scream trail off and stop.

I pick my head up and out of my lap and uncover my ears, I slowly stand up, my hands out-stretched in front of me, "Hello?" I look around wildly, my eyes searching both way, in front and behind me, on both different pathways, but The Man is gone.

I relax my body, my muscles loosen thaning me for breathing and relaxing, giving them a second or two to beeath and stop throbbing, my leg muscles burning, begging me not to run like that again, tears still soaked my cheeks, as I calm down my crying gets a little heavier, but I cry silently. I breath out a shaky breath and halt my crying to cocnetrate.

I'll try one more time, in case that thing is still around, and if someone is still here, they might hear me, "Hello!"

"Hello.......Allisa." The Man whisper yells in my ears from behind me, and before I could react or turn around, hands fill my vision and settle on my shoulders, momentarily before gripping them tightly. The hands jerk me back, and I open my mouth to scream for help, as I am pulled into the mirror and disappear forever...

© JessTheMess