

Rehearsals to start a new life.
Self-development: you develop your soul, then yourself, then your body, the spirit is the most important thing, the spirit is what makes you feel everything about yourself, you feel the desire to stay and continue in this life, and you have to take care of it with some very important steps and you will see how your life is changing:
1) you should try to identify what upsets and worries you and keep your distance from, be they discouraged, confused and frustrated, corrupt, inappropriate emotional relationships, or any negative habits that make you feel uncomfortable. 2) so draw close to yourself, indulge yourself, do as you please, but under the shadow of positive building habits, drink your favorite drink, and listen to your favorite music. 3) draw closer to nature, meditation and yoga that clear the mind, that your soul soothes elsewhere, that it soothes and soothes, that it looks forward to sunrise, and that you know as it is coming up, that after night, all your dreams come. 4) now is the time to get your priorities straight: now that you agree with all of this, you have to write all your dreams on paper in order to make them important to you.)
"Tomorrow we'll take the rest of the steps."@katrenacosta#success#eyzoe