

Listen Carefully
Always good advice.
Often we list with a rebuttal lined up. However if you could just listen to an idea in totality, how much more could we hear and understand?

One: Remember people have wisdom even if it comes from much different place than yours. Respect them enough to let them express it fully. Even if they are not eloquent in speech.

Two: Make sure you are breathing slow and steady. This way you can hear better minus intense emotion overtaking you.

Three: Ask about what you not sure of or don't understand or isn't fully clear. Try to understand and then respond.

Four. Respond with the tone of care and understanding even when mad. After all you still love this person. Watch your intonation and body language.

Be the voice you'd want to hear. It's the points you disagree on not the love Practise, this it's not an overnight skill. Be patient with each other.

Maria Collymore
Relationship Coach
revised May 24, 2020