

I hadn't the inclination that I'd come across a ray as I crept my way out of the rain into the corridor.

A corridor which miscarried my intentions and tolled my being against a classy body, very well painted with sophistication, inholding a soft and docile soul, resting within and waiting to be poked.

This was my stound, but I told off every possible feeling jabbing my heart into toying with my head.

I helped my body off hers as I pulled myself into equanimity. Uncouthly, I apologized for the very crazy bumping. "It wasn't intentional." I scarcely made out. She looked away and told me it was fine.

We both stared at the rain and overtime it diminished into an almost forever drizzling.

Apparently, the drizzling came to the aid of a soul whose words were caged in intense shyness and timidity.

Alas! This was my stound, again, words could flow, the drizzling was a life saver. Big time! I spun my face towards her direction. Her eyes were fixed on the now diminished rain, but this time, glaringly. I grew into a nervous state and once again, timidity crawled in. My face went back to the drizzling and it glared back at me, in disappointment.

"I thought you were a man." The echoes of a steven from far depths of my inner managed its way to my brain and it twanged in a swift succession beeping my courage.

I spun my face again, this time a quick "hello beautiful" succeeded the spinning and amazingly her glaringness died off into a very serene smile.

She turned over to me and muttered chucklingly,
"The most available pick-up-line, I guess."
A soft ease sank in and then I blurted out, "Trust me, I am a mess at this. The last time I tried, it was a disaster."
"You don't say."
"Well, I do say."

Where was I again? I found myself walking her home. The drizzling had died down and graced my courage with a thumbs up for having manned up.
©️Daniel Kolade Adewoye