

Birchwood episode3[S2] the babe in the water
people grab the body and pull it's out of the pound

Shane walks around the trail

Michelle inspects the body

Jeff pulls out bugs

"okay so what do we got?"
said Shane

"judging by the pelvic size and the manibila teeth I'll say3 female eary 20s"
said Michelle

"okay Jeff how long has big legs been out here?"
said Shane

Jeff pops out of the water

"I'll say six to eight days."
said Jeff

said Shane

"okay we gotta bring this thing back to the lab!" said Michelle

"okay people let's get this body back to W.I.S.K come on!" said Shane

"and maybe call in James we got guts"
said Michelle

"where's Vincent?" said Shane

"he's in the water look for the femur and her foot."
said Michelle

"Oki dokie then"
said Shane

the people bag up to body and put it in the truck

1 hour later

everyone inspects the bones

"so Vincent have Jeffery clean these bones please."
said Michelle

"sure boss Jeff is a little busy
said Vincent

"how are we gonna find out who this is with no face just a skeleton?"
said James

"don't worry my friend mary loranco is an excellent drawer she made a picture of a man and it's was perfect she can recreate a face with the machines and her skills."
said Michelle

mart goes up the platform

"sweetie how you doing?"
said mart

"I'm doing fine mart just fine."
said Michelle

Vincent comes up the platform with a cleaned skull

"here you go mary."
said Vincent

"thanks Vincent."
said Mary

Mary walks to her office

"she seems nice"
said James

"she is very nice she'll make a face"
said Michelle

"do you Michelle and Vincent wanna see her work?"
said James

they both said

Michelle and Vincent go in her office

"hello Mary."
said Michelle

"yeah I'm scanning the skull also I have the weight of the victim so".
said Mary

the machines remakes a face

said Vincent

"now all I have to do is look through the missing persons database."
said Mary

the machines gets a match

"Bella James reported missing 8 hours ago."
said Michelle

Shane walks in

"what is that Bella James"
said Shane

"you knows her"
said Michelle

"she's the best cop and shooter she never misses a target!"
said Shane

"looks like we gotta talk to her family"
said Mary

"I'll go get Morin!"
said shane

Morin and Shane walk down the hallway to the apartment

"so we're gonna meet Bellas family
said Morin

"yeah so do your psychology make you feel good thing"said Shane

said Morin

Shane opens the door

and see a family spring down and crying

"oh you must be Shane"
said Cleo

said Shane

"so we gotta question four people including Cleo
said Morin


Vincent examines the remains then Michelle walks in

"so Vincent have you looked at the femur yet?"
said Michelle

"no not really"
said Vincent

"wait the femur looks odd it's round with cleaned edges and..."
said Michelle

said Vincent

"this isn't the femur it's an rock
said Michelle

Jeff looks at the rock

"I can't believe you thought this rock was a part of the femur
said Jeff

said Vincent

"so now we know the femur is out there in that make probably in a sharks belly
said Jeff

"so we don't have a femur"
said Vincent

"I better inspect the remains they might be rock
said Jeff

"so now we gotta do a search for a femur a piece that looks like a rock
said Vincent


Michelle looks at the remains Vincent walks in

"oh good Vincent now look at the victims clavicle"
said Michelle

"the wounds are consistent with a sharp object going in a relatively slow speed
said Vincent

said Michelle

"and look the victims skull. the skull has blunt force trauma"
said Vincent

"so this could be cause of death good work Vincent"
said Michelle

"thank you"
said Vincent

"so Stephanie Cleo Mia and Diana you haven't seen Bella all weekend"
said Shane

"the last time I saw her was nine days ago
said Shane

"yeah me too"
said Stephanie

" I saw her ten days ago
said Mia

"nope never saw her all weekend"
said Diana

"okay so did she have a boyfriend or girlfriend"
said Shane

"she did have a lover his name is danny mikes"
said Stephanie

"okay Morin time to go"
said Shane

"yeah sure they seem like their telling the truth
said Morin

"okay let's go Morin"
said Shane

Shane and Morin walk out the front door and go in their car

1 hour later

Shane goes back to the lab to see Michelle

"hey Michelle we got a suspect his name is danny mikes 26 lived as a doctor"
said Shane

"why you need me
said Michelle

"cause their transporting his body to the lab"
said Shane

said Michelle

"he's dead so go
said Shane

Michelle goes on the platform

"oh hi Michelle didn't think you'll come
said James

"well of course I'll come like what made you think I won't come
said Michelle

"it was a joke Michelle just a jokes
said James

"oh sorry sorry
said Michelle

Vincent comes in full of seaweed and ocean junk

"Vincent oh my god are you okay
said James

"I found the femur are you proud of me
said Vincent

"never been more proud come up the platform and give us the bones"
said Michelle

"okay boss I'm coming"
said Vincent

Vincent walks up the stairs and gives Michelle the bone

said James

said Vincent

"wow Vincent you went through all that trouble"
said Shane

"hodgins showed me where the bone might be I search the entire batomic"
said Vincent

"have Jeff clean the bones"
said Michelle

"so we got a new body
said Vincent

"yeah we so
said James

"I'll have Jeffery clean these bones"
said Vincent

2 hours later

"so it turns out that she has an ex-boyfriend also her ex has a buddy at a box factory"
said Shane

"okay let's talk to this ex-boyfriend"
said Morin

Morin and Shane walk to his house

Shane knocks

he opens the door

"oh you must be Shane come in
said Larry

"so when was the last time you saw Bella
said Shane

"last time was a month ago not including calls
said Larry

"okay then so do you want revenge on Bella"
said Shane

"what no I loved her even after the breakup"
said Larry

"well you got motive to kill Bella and danny"
said Shane

"look man I didn't kill her or him I loved Bella I was friends with danny I didn't kill them"
said Larry

"right can we talk to your friend"
said Shane

"Johnny sure yeah"
said Larry


"okay so look at the victims right tibula"
said Michelle

"yes there seems to be slight post mortem injures on the tibula"
said Vincent

"also the sacrum there's blunt force trauma most likely consistent with a kick"
said Vincent

"the killer played dirty"
said Michelle


Shane and Morin walk up to Johnny

"oh hi I'm Johnny I'm the co-owner of this factory so what do I have to do for you"
said Johnny

"yeah look at the yellow tape
said Shane

"yeah it's strong as steel"
said Johnny

"and look at that pipe"said Shane

"it's my lucky pipe"
said Johnny

"yeah when was the last time you saw Bella and danny'
said Shane

"um last time 3 weeks ago for Bella and 2 weeks for danny"
said Johnny

"yeah uh actually a person on our lab found emails saying that you met Bella 9 days ago a day before she died
said Shane

"look we just went to a circus together for fun"
said Johnny

"right okay Morin let's go"
said Shane

"yeah okay I'll be gone then
said Morin

"bye see you next time or not"
said johnny


Jeff sleeps on the couch

"Jeff your sleeping on my couch"
said Mary

"oh Mary sorry sorry I'm tired"
said Jeff

Mary kisses him on his head

"oh my ah-oh um wow a k-k-kiss my god"
said Jeff

"my place tomorrow night"
said Mary

said Jeff

"come on it's fine"
said Mary


Shane goes in the lab to see Michelle

"Michelle any more evidence"
said Shane

"yes what killed danny is a hard flat tiny weapon"
said Michelle

said Shane

Shane Michelle goes straight to Larry's house

"Larry open up"
said Michelle

said Shane

Shane breaks down the door

"looks like he's not here"
said Michelle

"he took everything as well"
said Shane

"you think he did it"
said Michelle

"yeah now I do"
said Shane

Shane and Michelle go to the lab

"Michelle Larry didn't do it"
said Mary

said Michelle

"cause Larry is very weak the person who did this is strong and has access to hard steel"
said Mary

"okay danny was choked to death with something hard a flexible"
said Michelle

"and Bella was killed by a flat steel object I knows who did it"
said Shane

Shane and Michelle take Johnny for questioning

Michelle grabs Johnny lucky pipe and puts a light over it

"there's blood lots of it"
said Michelle

"hey what are you doing"
said Johnny

"this yellow tape could have been used to choke danny"
said Michelle

"what not"
said Johnny

Michelle shines a light over Johnnys clothes

"that's a lot of blood right Johnny"
said Shane

"if this is a match for Danny's and Bellas blood you'll go to prison"
said Michelle

"Johnny explain"
said Shane

"danny was kissing Bella you now is like she loves me"
said Johnny

"Bella never loved you"
said Michelle

said Johnny

"she hated you she loved danny she only saw you as a friend"
said Michelle

"look I thought she loved me you knows then she kissed danny it wasn't right"
said Johnny

"Johnny yourunder arrest for the murder of danny hargreaves and Bella Toronto"
said Shane

"come on can I just get community service I'm about to inherit my dad's company"
said Johnny

"sorry but killing is very illegal John man"
said Shane

"you killed two people in one day"
said Michelle

"I knows I know I'm sorry"
said Johnny

Shane Vincent Michelle Jeff and Mary sit down in the balcony break room

"wow that was a long case"
said Michelle

said Vincent

"well I don't really like drawing dead people"
said Mary

"it's been than touching them"
said Shane

"he's right"
said Jeff

Shane and Michelle walk up and go

"it's nice working with you"
said Shane

"it is kinda nice"
said Michelle

"come on let's go"
said Shane

Michelle and Shane go straight up the platform