

Mõ§ţ Přêčíøúš Ťhîñğ îň ţhĕ wõřĺđ ( MõM)
The word mother
It's a very sweet , melodious word
The person who have a mother in his life is very lucky. But some people don't know the price of a mother in his/her life .People realize it only in the absent of them. And it doesn't mean that father is priceless or valueless they also care us without parents life is incomplete . A mother is the hardworkest person in these earth they are never ofduty from there works. We can see how a mother's work hard the whole day . They always tries there best to make the family happy. Nobody can repay her mother . No matter how rich he is. They scold us at little little things so that we should improve and don't make other big mistakes in our life. We should not feel bad becoz they did it only for our good future. We should love , obey , respect, care them.
Because they care us very much .Some people don't like there parents and throw them in the roads in there old age . But we shouldn't do it because they can face a lot of problem in our studies etc. So here's a story related.

Once upon a time there was a boy name abhi . He lived in a small village with his parent's. He hate his mother very much he didn't love him a little bit also. And he doesn't want to see his face also because her face was half burned and because of these he feel ashamed in front of his friends became all of his frnds mothers were beautiful. One day abhi goes for playing with his friends. And it was evening time so his frnds mother came to call there son's but they forced there mother's abhi also forced there mother's. Then one of the lady asked that don't your mother scold you at home for playing lately. Then abhi said that no i lived only with my father here.here.Then the lady said that's why you always play . Then suddenly abhi show her mother coming that side , he run crom the sight and hide behind a tree. Then his mother come to the playground and asked his friend's that if they had seen abhi , the boys become a little bit afraid because of abhi's mother's face because the face was half burned then their mother's comfort her.her.Then the boys said that r u abhi's mom she replied yes the boys replied that but he said that he livelived with his father why did he told a lie .Then abhi's mother said that he doesn't lie I just come to these village today . Then abhi's mother leave the playground. When she return home abhi asked that why he goes to the playground. Her mother replied that I was worry for u because it was so late ,then abhi said that you shouldn't worry for me . Then abhi leave the house and go for the forest side .The sun is setting by the side so he gies for a while and rest under a tree .Then he saw a magical doe who can talked like a human . The doe asked him that what he was doing in the forest. Abhi told him the whole story that why he leave his house. Then the magical doe asked that he had done such a big mistake. The doe asked abhi to touch his horns then abhi saw his childhood. He saw that baby abhi was sitting in the bed playing with dolls . Suddenly the house caught fire and his mother was outside the house then she run inside the house for saving her baby without worrying her life . Then for saving his baby's life she got half burned on her face. These opens the eyes of abhi he feel sorry for his mother . Then the next morning abhi goes to his home and apologized for his mistake . His mother forgive him and lived happily together.
From these story we learnt that all mothers are beautiful from inside they all have inner beauty which is very precious .

— polysree