

Guilty Pleasures♡-Chp.2: "Snatched Up"

"Why, Ms. Rell, what a beautiful shot!" exclaimed Daisy. It was just another day at my photo studio-where all the magic happened. A rather cozy place- red interior, crimson cushions, lots of cameras. My most recent client, Daisy Lowe had commissioned me to do her maternity photos.

"Now now, Ms. Lowe, please call me Eleanor. Such frivolus formalities!" I said jokingly. "And I'm elated you love the photos. You and your husband make a lovely couple-and I'll bet the little one will be equally as stunning."

"Oh thank you! You're a doll, darling! I particularly like this one." Daisy showed me the photo of she and her husband under a floral archway, with him down on one knee and placing a tender kiss on her baby bump. The happiness radiated from her rosy face. Her dazzling smile showcased it all. They both gazed into each others eyes. It was the perfect mix of intimate and happily ever after. The thing that made it even more special was that I caught this one off guard. Those are usually the more powerful ones-they tell stories.

"It was a pleasure indeed. I had lovely subjects to work with, after all! Here let me package them for you."

I slipped her photos into a nice perisian blue envalope. I was always meticulous about presentation and packing. In fact, perisian blue and deep red were the prominient colors of my studio-Photophoria. Its based around the fact that photographs can bring euphoria, pleasure and sometimes, nostalgia. It was located in the central part of Venice. After a few more minutes of casual conversation, Daisy paid for her package and we gave each other a quick friendly peck on the cheek. You know, a common Italian gesture.

"Bye dear! And oh, do get out of this stuffy studio and try to have some fun," she called out over her shoulder before slipping through the doors. I laughed heartily. I was kind of a workaholic, and somewhat of a loner honestly. Didn't have much of a social life- I was too busy working. Today was hectic to say the least. And Daisy was not the only client. The studio was packed earlier.

"What a day!" I exclaimed and plopped onto a plush couch. I saw my favorite camera, and grabbed it. Might as well get started on some more editing. I hadn't even begun to examine the first picture when I heard the door bell chime. Someone else had come-probably another client. Sigh. I got up out of my private editing room and headed for the front desk. "Hello, how can I-"

When I caught sight of the person, I stopped dead in my tracks, and every nerve and muscle froze.

"Hello, Bellissima."

It was him. Adam. That preposterously hot and sexy man I met at the coffeehouse. Eyes even blacker than usual-but this time sparkling with mischief and wickedness. What the hell is he doing here? How did he find me? I bit my lip nervously, taking a moment to breathe-and to look him up and down. Black collared shirt and a burgundy coat. Tailored pants. God- why did he have to wear these tailored pants that fit so well around his strong Herculean legs? He wasn't even that close to me and I could already smell his delicious cologne and wonderful male scent. He stood there; staring, analyzing and observing me.

"This silence is becoming quite uncomfortable, no?"

His deep voice somewhat rumbled throughout the quiet studio. Bounced off the walls and echoed into my soul and body. I was a sucker for that Italian accent.

"How-d-did you find me? I don't recall telling you where I worked...I only gave you my number," I said softly. My throat was so tightly closed up it made my words sound like a whisper.

Adam moved to examine my work that was posted across the wall. "Please. You are one of the most well known photographers in Venice. It only took me awhile to find out about you."

I rocked on my heels uncomfortably, trying to process all of this foolishness. "You had my number you know. It would've been polite if you had texted me before showing up out of the blue."

He moved to closer to me, leaning over the counter. His black-brown eyes never left me. At this point we were inches apart as he towered over me-the counter being the only space left between us. His voice became dangerously low. "Sure. I could have done it your way- the 'polite' way. I just thought it more amusing to come here and startle you. Yeah, I liked that idea better, " he smirked.

The nerve of this man! A wicked-but sexy devil. Thinking he could just prance in here. My frustration was beginning to brew because he clearly knew the effect he had on me. Damn.

"By the way, why are you still here? It's almost 6 oclock. Your sign said that closing is 5.

"Well perhaps I still have work to do. You try having a million clients and strict deadlines."

His head perked up, as if ether annoyed or surprised by my response. He looked at me-eyebrows creased and his succulent lips hardened into a straight masculine line. "Now, Bellissima, here's what's going to happen. You're going to close up shop and come to dinner with me. Understand?"

Woah. I could not believe this man. " You know we only met yesterday and I barely know you! Is this your way of asking me on a date? By commanding me to do so?"

"One thing you will learn is that I am very direct and terribly forward. And would you look at that? You're getting to know me already!" Adam said sarcastically, rasing a sardonic eyebrow. "Ill wait for you outside."

Leaving behind a whiff of colone and a sexy aura- he sauntered out of the studio. It's almost as if he vanished, actually. Casanova behavior. Loves women and is clearly used to getting what he wants. I'll show him- the bastard. I'm sure that he will never meet another woman like me, and I think its time to take him down a notch.

Quickly- I closed up shop and powdered my face in the ladies room. Now I have to be primping up myself for a man. Hmph. After such a long work day who knows what I looked like? A bedraggled rat perhaps? I giggled to myself. This was actually quite exiting. I brushed my long straight black hair into a ponytail and put on some red lipstick. You could never go wrong with a classic look. A dash of perfume. There. That should do it.

I took tentative steps outside. I did not see Adam. In my mind, I already started to panic. Don't tell me this man stood me up. Less than a second later, I heard a car pull up.

"Bellissima! Get in!" He had parked on the side of the street.

I whirled around. He was in a smooth black shiny car with the widow down. Sweet ride though.

"I thought we would just take a stroll dowtown or something. Are you insane? I'm not going anywhere with you!" I said defiantly.

Adam took a deep breath and closed his eyes. In an instant, he got out of the car and was before me.

"Yes. You will be coming with me," he smirked devilishsly. "Now, would you like to be carried, or escorted like a princess, eh?"

My heart skipped a beat and my legs began to give away beneath me. "Fine. But I prefer the latter rather than the former. You WILL NOT carry me. Understand?

He walked to the passenger side and opened the door for me. So he does have manners. "Sure, Bellissima. Now in you go."

We drove along through Venice, with its exquisite architecture and lovely landscapes.

"So...beautiful day isn't it?" I turned to look at Adam.

"Yes, indeed. I, however, am enjoying a different view."

He looked pointedly at me, unblinking. I turned away, flushed with heat and embarrassment. "Where are you taking me?"

"There's a place, just around this corner here, one of my favorites. You will like it."

"I shall hope so," I added with a shy smile. This was insane. I barley knew this man, but I could not resist him. Usually, I am very shy with strangers. This one however- was a human magnet. I wanted to repel-but instead I found myself being drawn in, instead. Soon, we arrived at the restuarant. Adam helped me out-making it a point to pull me directly in front him when he did so. He lowered his eyes and looked down at me. I felt like a miget. "Must you tower over me like this?"

He laughed wickedly, putting his hand on the small of my back. "Come, Bellissima, I've made reservations."

"Really? You made reservations? So you were certain that I would join you for dinner?"

"I suppose so. And I was correct."

Smug son of a--.... He was winning this battle- for complete control over me and my desires. Damn him if he thinks he'll get away with it!

The restuarant was beautiful, dimly lit and very intimate. It almost seemed as if nobody was there! Elaborate chandeliers hung from the cieling-there were even small scented candles lit. Clearly this was no raggedy, cheap place.

"Its so empty in here," I said.

"Yes. I rented out the entire place for the evening."

As we sat down I looked at him, mouth agape. " What?! Truly you didn't have to-"

"No, Bellissima-I wanted to. Like you said, I don't know you and you don't know me. But there's something special about you."

After placing our orders, I handed the waiter the menus. Then I had to face the daunting task of meeting his chocolatey eyes. They had kind of softened a bit from the harsh obsidian black. There was a long pause before he spoke.

"So...photography eh?"

I took a sip of water to loosen up my dry throat. "Oh yes, I do enjoy it. I've being doing it for years now." I fumbled with my napkin and my legs were practically shaking. A slight hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He noticed it.

"You do good work, truly. Maybe you can take some photos of me. How'd you like that, Bellissima?"

"Well, you are a very...attractive subject," I said looking up into his luscious eyes.

"It's a date then. You'll come to my place and we will take lots of pictures, yes?"

The very idea of being alone with him excited me and terrified me at the same time. Who knows what schemes he's working up in his head. Adam was a very dominant male animal; masculine and serious. He does not ask..he takes. When he wants and how he wants it.

I noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes when he asked that. Photos. Of him. At HIS place. "I will accept your offer. But you must behave, okay? Be a good candidate."

Adam grinned from ear to ear. "I can't make any promises. But for you I will try." His teeth were perfect and pearly. And those damn eye crinckles-

"Bellissimaaaa..you still there?" His hand lightly brushed mine.

I must have zoned out for at least a minute. "Yes. "

We continued conversing, and rest of the evening was magical. Adam told me he was a popular male model in Italy, which was not AT ALL surprising. He was shocked to hear that I didn't know who he was-but I explained that it was because I lived under a rock. I never really knew about anything or anyone like that. As a matter of fact, Id only moved to Venice about two years ago.

"We must do something about that. You need to get out more, Bellissima. I am going to help you."

Moments later, we finished up and Adam paid for everything. It was a thoughtful and chivalrous gesture. He insisted, and found the mere idea of me paying to be absolutely absurd.

By the time we stepped out, night had fallen. The moon hung luminecently in sky. It was chilly, and I shivered a little.

"You're cold. Here." He took off his burgundy coat and wrapped it around me.

"T-thank you," I purred.

The air around us became still as we took each other in. His black eyes roamed every inch of me. Our lips were inches apart...and I could feel his warm breath.

"God, Bellissima..."

And in that moment, his hand clutched my throat and his lips crashed into mine. My reaction was immediate- one hand slung across his neck and the other curled up in his black hair. I even felt his had grab my bottom and I groaned in pleasure. I felt him against me. His desire. The world became a blur and the low moan in his throat made me want him...badly. Finally, slowly, I pulled away.

"That's enough hot kissing for tonight," I said breathlessly. I only knew where it would lead. This man-his touch-his body; its was all too frightening and overwhelming.

"I'm sorry if I got carried away Bellissima. You make it difficult for me. Come...let's get you home."

The ride was deathly silent. At one point he moved to rest his hand on my thigh and I sighed. What or who...have I gotten myself into?

© vintageviXen🌬📚🍭
