

By the Contract: Part two
He looked at the water beneath him, it was dark and cold. There was nothing left for him anyways,he should end it all now and forget everything. Nobody needed him or cared for him at all.

He stood at the tip ready to fall, people had gathered. They were looking at him, making videos of him as he stood at the other end. They didn't care, he also didn't care. There was no need to continue being hurt ,he would end it all and take the pain away. He was about to jump when he heard a voice.

She strolled happily along the walkway on the bridge enjoying the cool night breeze, she had gotten her salary from her part time job and was heading home when she saw people gathered with their phones taking pictures. Curious she squeezed herself through the crowds and saw a boy on the other side of the bridge about to jump. He was around 17, wore a white shirt and blue shorts. His brown hair covered his face as the breeze blew on him, she couldn't see his face well then walked closer, what was he trying to?. do? Jump from a bridge?
She continued to walk towards him slowly, thinking of what she was going to say. She had only seen this happen in super hero movies and now she's real life with a psycho about to end his life.

" Hey" she stood and folded her arms.

He eyed her. What was she trying to do? There was no use talking him out of jumping, he had made his choice, his mind was set and there was no one to change that.

She walked closer and rested her arm on the slab. "Wanna die?" She asked without looking at him

"Go away" he said coldly

"Sheesh... You're really rude" she brought out a gum from her pocket and offered him. "Want some? At least eat something before you die" She grinned. Her heart was beating very fast, how was she going to talk him out of jumping from the bridge? Dinner awaited her at home and her plans to go shopping the next day was what was in her head not a motivation speech to save a kid who's bent on dying.

What is she doing? She's definitely crazy. Why can't she leave him alone and let him do what he wanted to do

Oh...I forgot you wanted to die, you can't chew this" she opened the wrapper of the gum and threw it in her mouth

"Just go away" He said coldly

"Lemme ask you" she tucked her hair behind her ears "what's gonna change if you die now?" She asked

"Go away okay! Stop meddling in other people's business like an idiot" he said angrily

"Your manners" she paused and looked at him "are really poor"

He didn't say a word, he was going to jump anyways so there was no need listening to her crazy speeches

"I'm not telling you not to die, but I just want you to know that jumping off this bridge won't change anything at all. Everything would be as it has always been and your family... will live their normal lives as usual" she said seriously

There was hurt, sadness and expressions she couldn't describe in his face. She felt sorry for him. Why would a young kid like him want to end his life like this.

"Think about your future, your dreams, think about what would happen if you can't fulfil those dreams. How it would go to waste" she continued

"I...." The words hung down his throat. He was crying now, but he was hurt. Nobody cared for him, his family, they treated him like he never existed.

"It's okay, I know how you feel. Just give me your hand and you'll be fine" she stretched her hand to him.

"No you don't" he was angry. How dare she try to make him feel bad? "You're all the same, trying to be good to me because of what you all want to get...you don't care about me at all" he sobbed

"I..you..." she sighed. This was definitely far from what she had imagined. This kid really had issues, she looked at him and smiled. There was hurt in his amber eyes, she felt sorry for him.

"You have to trust me" she assured him smiling

He eyed her, she kept smiling at him. Her black hair covered her face as the breeze blew on it. She took off her cross bag and placed it on the floor.

"Take my hand, its okay" she stretched her hand to him

Slowly he turned and took her hand. It was soft and smooth, he felt warmth. He put his leg on the slab still holding her hand then his foot slipped. She quickly grabbed him with both hands. The crowd gasped. A middle aged woman fainted. She held him tightly pulling him with all her strength, he was slipping

His heart was beating faster ,the water was so dark, he was scared. He didn't want to die anymore,he prayed with all his might.

"Please help me" he whimpered

"Grab my hand" she pulled. He grabbed her hands and pulled him up. Damn he was heavy, she pulled him with all her might and he fell on top of her. He noticed her eyes, they were hazel. Her short black hair fell back revealing her, round baby face.

She pushed him off and laid on her back. She was exhausted. Being a super hero wasn't an easy thing.
The crowd cheered and clapped, appreciating her bravery.

He was shaking, grateful to be alive but at the same time scared. She saved his life, he owed her his life, gave him a new chance to live and hope to live for. He turned to thank his saviour but she was gone, his eyes went to the crowd and saw no sign of her. A black SUV parked next to him and two men in black carried him. his eyes searched the crowd again but she wasn't there.

He felt something stuck on his shirt he checked it, it was her hairpin. It looked cheap, pink with fancy stones that had almost fallen off. He looked back hoping he could see her but there was no one, he didn't know who she was but knew he will find her someday.
Now he had something to keep him going.



He admired the hairpin he was holding, it had been fifteen years since he's had the hairpin. He remembered that night clearly, her face, her words, her touch, her scent, the hairpin. He had his parents search for the mystery girl that saved him but they never found her. He went many times to that bridge where he had first met her but she never showed up.

He put the hairpin back in the silver case and got up. He had dinner with the blind date his parents never told him about, he checked the time on his watch six fifteen. He had ten minutes left to finish whatever he was doing. He was only going to tell her he wasn't interested. Forcing him to marriage wasn't going to work. He hated love relationships especially being committed to someone, a woman he doesn't even love

Being a CEO of his father's company since the age of twenty two had been a huge responsibility on him. He wore a black double breasted suit and sleek black shoes. He admired himself in front of the mirror, his six feet physique was gallant. Athletic and well built, he was every woman's dream. Everything about him commanded respect, the 'grim reaper' as everyone called him, a workaholic, down-to-earth. Nobody dared to go against him, seldom smiling all he ever did was work and have fun with women.

Rumors had gone round that he was homosexual because nobody had ever seen a woman around him except his sister and mother. Some said he only slept with women and pay them off with whatever they requested but nobody knew what the truth really was.

His chauffeur opened the door of his black Lamborghini Urus, he stopped

"Thank you Martin, I'll drive myself"

"May I ask if there's any problem Sir?" The grey haired middle aged man asked

"Not at all, it's something personal" he tried to smile

"Alright then sir, take care of yourself" Martin said reluctantly and closed the door.

Martin had been the Falkor's personal driver since Azaiah was a baby. He never wanted him to drive alone, especially at night. Azaiah was just like a son to him, a son that he had watched grow into a fine young man. He watched him as he drove out and went inside.

She strolled along the walkway admiring the sights. The night air was cool, Sam had gone for basketball practice and she was bored so decided to go to Judy's house just a ten minutes drive. She rang the doorbell.

The door was opened by a short chubby lady, with rimless glasses fitting her small round face

"Alexia" She said in surprise and jumped on her friend

"Judy" Alexia hugged her almost falling down

"How I've missed you" She said as she assessed her from head to toe. "Come on in"

"You've become chubbier, but I thought you were on a night shift"

"Haha... yeah I was. Got a call from Brigitte that Lee was sick, you know how little kids can be. He probably wanted to see his father. That was before I called you" she chuckled and went to the kitchen

" Where's he?"

"He's out with Joe" Judy replied as she poured cold juice in two cups. "So what's up with you?"

"Nothing much"

She looked around, the living room wasn't so big. Just comfortable for a single mother and her ten and four year old kids.

"Probably tour around" Alexia said

"That'll be great, there are so many places I wanna take you to" she settled the tray on the table and sat next to her "You'll definitely love it here"

"I'll look forward to that but aren't you gonna go to work?"

"I'm on a two week leave, today's supposed to be my last day at work"

"Ohh" Alexia said as she sipped her drink

"There's a new restaurant across...wanna go?"

"It's eight Dee"

"I know, Lee's not coming home tonight. He'll be staying with his father for two days so I have all the time to myself and you know, probably find some cool handsome guys" Judy smiled mischievously

"Alright then, let's go" Alexia said surrendering

"I gotta change, just a sec" Judy went in and came back few minutes later wearing a grey sweatshirt and blue denim jeans. Her clothes fitted her chubby frame, she had a baby face that could be passed to be in her teens. She was twenty eight age mates with Alexia. She had loosed her braids and let her blond hair fall.

"How do I look?" She asked spinning around

"Haha, you look like a high school teenager" Alexia teased

They boarded a taxi to the restaurant, a twenty minute drive from her house.

The restaurant had just opened recently, beautifully designed with lovely lights at night. It was a simple but elegant place.

They went in as they giggled like kids, Cool music resounded from the speakers. It had been a long time she had gone out on a girls night with her bestie. She had been a workaholic

"Let's sit here" Judy pointed at the empty seats by the glass window seeing everything outside. Alexia sat opposite her, backing another chair.

"May I have your order misses?" the young waiter smiled at them

"I'll have uhmmm" Judy said scanning the menu " A..." She continue to check the menu

"I'll have a bottle of coke" Alexia cut in looking at the waiter who had been staring at her

Her short black hair was tied up, she wore a sky blue polka dotted long sleeve that was slightly bigger than her size, black Jean and white sandals. She was beautiful, got her looks from her mother and intelligence from her father then added her own trait of clumsiness.

"Is that all ma'am?" he said still looking at her smiling


Judy kept checking the menu, indecisive of what to order when she sighted someone walk in.

Tall, strikingly handsome with amber eyes that were dark. His brown hair glistened showing signs of a properly maintained hair care. He checked the time on his wrist watch then went to sit at the table backing Alexia.

"What's with your mouth" Alexia asked

She had been looking up for minutes mouth open.

"I'll.... I'll....have just uhmmm" trying to get her eyes back on the menu " this" pointing to an order she didn't bother looking at

The waiter took the menu and left.

"Did you see him?" Judy whispered

"Who?" Alexia said whispering back

"Him, that just came in"

"How am I supposed to know who just came in? I don't have eyes behind my head"

"He's gloriously handsome" she rested her face on her palm and sighed

"Who?" Alexia was confused

"Him" pointing to the man sitting behind Alexia

She turned to see who it was but only saw his hair, he was backing her so she couldn't see his face better

"Whatever" she turned back

The waiter brought their order and smiled at Alexia

"He's an angel" Judy said, sipping her lemon juice

"Can we stop talking about somebody else who might be hearing you?"

"Ugh..okay" Judy took a bite from her hamburger


He checked the time on his watch again, there was no signs of whoever was going to be coming to be his supposed blind date. He was against his father's idea of getting married to a girl he didn't know.

He overheard their conversation and smiled within himself. He was used to people talking about his looks right from when he was a kid, he knew the black haired girl turned again to look at him.

The door opened and the waiter welcomed the slim white haired lady to where he was. She blushed as she sighted him.

"Hello" she said shyly as she sat opposite him

"What would you like to have ma'am" the waiter said to her

"I'll have whatever he's having" she touched her cheek smiling. He was more handsome in person than she had seen him in pictures. She had seen him once though at a ball but it was from afar.

He watched silently, there was no way he was going to be with the lady sitting in front of him. she was beautiful, smooth skin slightly tanned, white hair. Her diamond earrings dazzled in the lights. Her green off-shouldered gown fitted her curvy body seductively. He assessed her, she was young. Much younger than he was probably around twenty two or three.

"I'm Laura" she stretched her hand for a handshake. His hand brushed her fingertips and put his hand back immediately

"Good" he looked around, he was not interested in her. She was too young for him and not his type of woman

"So...tell me about you"


"I know who you are" she smiled sheepishly tucking her hair behind her ear

"not interested in you" he continued bluntly directly in contact with her eyes. She was hurt, he could see it in her eyes but he didn't care.

"It doesn't happen so fast though, it happens with time" she sipped her drink nonchalantly

He watched her, did she not get his message? He wasn't interested in her at all.

"Miss Laura...yo..."

The drink spilled on his body, his clothes were ruined and a strange lady was sitting on his laps. Cameras started clicking, videos were rolling. This was a great mess, there was no doubt about that. She was still on his laps looking at him. Who was she? Why did she have to ruin him this way?

Their eyes met. This was definitely not going to be easy

© Bluebear