

Crazy (Chapter 8)
"No way!" Pepper exclaims.
Upon realizing how loud she was, she slaps her hand over her mouth.
"What's going on?" Draco asks, popping his head out of his room.
"I-i'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout. I just don't think Draco is in the mood right now." Pepper tries to tell Daph, slowly lowering her hand from her mouth.
"I'm not in the mood for what?" Draco walks into Daphnes bedroom.
"Daph wants to play house..." Pepper looks up at him.
"Okay, and? She plays that game all the time."
"Who do you think she wants to be the parents, nitwit?" Pepper almost snaps at Draco.
"Ohhh... oh no." He looks at his sister. "Do I have to?"
"Yes. You always have to." Daph glares at him.
Draco looks at Pepper. Pepper burys her face in her hands to hide the red on it.
"Im taking that as a yes! Come on!" She grabs her brothers hand and demands he sits on the floor. He obeys obediently and looks to his sister.
"Now what?" Pepper mumbles at no one in particular.
Daphne pulls out her costume box from her closet and starts digging around. She pulls out a tiara, a fedora, a fairy wand, a breifcase, briefcase, a crown, a bow tie, tea party gloves, and a very pretty baby blue dress. Pepper tilts her head, confused, until the dress and crown are thrown at her.
"You put this on." Daphne says. "And you wear this." She throws the fedora, bow tie, and briefcase at Draco.
Draco just holds all of his accessories while Pepper stands up, takes off her hoodie to reveal a violet and magenta striped tank top, and pulls the baby blue dress over her clothes. Daphne then puts on the tiara, tea party gloves, and grabs the fairy wand. She walks over to Draco with it clutched tightly in her hand.
"Put on your accessories." Daph says as she bonks Draco on the head with the wand like she is casting a spell.
Pepper giggles as she places the crown on her head. She watches as Draco takes the wand from his sister.
"Like this Daffy?" Draco pokes Daph in the stomach with it and she is apparently tickled, so she collapses with laughter. (And, yes, Daffy like the duck)
Pepper giggles more as Daphne finally finds her composure.
"Just do as you're told." Daphne takes the wand back from her brother and bonks him again with it.
Draco rolls his eyes but puts on the fedora and bow tie and grabs the breifcase as he stands up.
"Welp I'm off to work. See you later family." Draco smiles
"See you later." Pepper plays along with it and waves.
Draco runs out, but Daphne runs out after him, angry. Pepper holds back laughter as she awaits Daphnes yells.
"Stop! You can't get out of this! Come back here!" She screams at him while chasing him.
Pepper breaks out laughing and Draco runs back into the bedroom and slams the door shut behind him. He leans on it, trying to catch his breath.
"What's that about?" Pepper giggles
Draco doesn't respond, still trying to catch his breath. Pepper continues to laugh.
"Shut up." Draco tells her, continuing to try to catch his breath.
"Then tell me what that was about or let Daphne in. Why was she chasing you?"
"Because I tried to run away from the game. Obviously."
"How dare you! Let her in!"
Draco smirks. "Make me." He challenges
"Just let her in before she starts to cry."
"She's not gonna cry."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Very." Draco chuckles.
"Well, still. Let her in. I don't want to get into trouble." Pepper says, getting a bit agitated.
"Do it."
"Let her in." Pepper stands up.
"I said, Let her in." She growls.
"No. I heard what you said. Still not doing it."
"Let her in!"
"Don't wanna."
Pepper thinks for a moment. "Please?"
He considers it. "On one condition."
"And what might that be?" Pepper crosses her arms and shift her weight to one leg.
"You don't watch Daph next weekend, right?"
"That is correct."
"Okay good. You're gonna go on a date with me then. A real one." He grins cheekily