

Date-30/03/2024(115 days now)
A nightmare starts at 30/03/24
A nightmare of destruction the end of happiness and smiles , the end of pleasant ,the end of story
Beginning the heart wrecking era

The day on 30 March everything started shattering
The day being with a sunshine , everything is fine at start of day . They were induce with each sweet and happy talks 😊
But, people say na every happiness has to go through a very bad phase of destruction. So, now it's time start in both life.
With the falling of day and rising of night mate started to happen.
Happiness convert into fear with third people entry
The third person convert the happiness
Who is trying to break the thread of bonding with these two people.
They were induce with each other without awaring that one is spying.
The thing happens and the third one tries to blackmail the one person,scared her and so the power of superiority.
But third one didn't succeed in her plane but her step leave a deep impact with bond of both person.
One of the person effect by her words badly and wanted to break everything from the first person.
The dày come and she asked back her everything back from the first person he back and destroyed too
But something is left with him which is now precious over anything.
First person having left over things which most valuable now.

The things are -- A small diary which tells everything about here from the staring of bond, many handwriting letters, some pieces of sweet written note, some collected items of her , A incomplete band to complete her band which represents the bond of friendship in starting days.
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