

The unknown creatures
chapter 3

Hearts of light


? Riley ?
Reed and I walked out of the house, Rainey is not going to school today,. That's better anyway, what if she looses control of her power again?

" Am really gonna miss Rainey in school today " Reed pouted as we entered the car
" But am here " I said
" You're not in my class " he replied without turning to me , fuck I hate this!
" Anyhow " I snapped
" You're jealous " he burst into laughter
" Jealous of what? "
" Jealous, because I said am going to miss her. Come on,, I saw it on your face "
" Idiot " I muttered and looked away, I'm jealous truly..he had always done that..as if he loves her than me

" Am sorry okay?? " he said but I only ignored him, silly!


Finally it's lunch time,, I am f**king starving. I rushed out of the class and went into Reed's class to call him so we can go for lunch together,, I can't find him so where is he??
Did he left for lunch without me??

I sighed sadly and went to the cafeteria,,, I eye searched for him but he's not here either. Then where can he be??
I ran out of the cafeteria and went into the library,,, it's empty. Damn,, what the f**k is happening??

I went to the hallway,, I continue searching for him. I mistakenly bumped into someone,,
" Are you blind?? " She yelled
" Am so sorry " I said
" Keep the sorry to yourself!! Fool " she hissed and walked away with her friends who keep on laughing.

They are lucky am not in the mood for that,,, I breath in and out to control my temper,,
I continue searching for my lost brother,, I can't just think straight
" Hey Riley,, am here can you see me?? " I heard his voice and I turned back.

I saw nothing,, I sigh and focus back in the searching

" Riley wait up,, am right behind you!! " I heard the voice again and I turned back in fear

" What's happening?? Why Is he in my head?? "

" Riley,,, can you see me?? " the voice spoke again

This time, I fell on the ground already shaking,,, I managed to speak up
" Re,,,, Reed??? " I called looking around but I can't see anybody
What's going on?
" Yeah it's me " the voice said
" Then why can't I see you?? " I cried
" Riley,, I don't know,,, I suddenly became invisible " He said

" What??!! " I screamed in fear
" How,, how come?? " I asked and swallowed into nothing,,
" I just told you I don't know " He said

I saw a chair going up by itself,, I moved back
" What's happening?? " I asked

" I carried a chair " he said

" No!!!!!!!!! " I screamed and that was all I know

? Reed ?
" No!!!!! " She screamed and passed out at once
Oh no what do I do?? I can't possibly carry her,,, the students will freak out!! Damn,, can't I just become visible now??

I looked around,, only few students are walking, maybe they are all in the cafeteria. I immediately carried her and ran downstairs,,,,,

" Oh my God!!!!!! What the f**k!!!!! " Some set of girls screamed in fear when they saw Riley since they don't even know that I was the one carrying her,,, I increased my speed before she alert more students.

I finally got into the car, I dropped her and drove out of the school. Am never coming to this school,, even God knows that.

Many people on the road freaked out when they saw a car moving by itself,, thank God I managed to take her home,,,,

" Riley!! " Rainey shouted and rushed to us,, she stopped again

" What's this?? " she asked herself and clean her eyes

" Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! Mom!!!!!!! " she screamed and fainted

" What is going on?? " Mom asked rushing downstairs

" Reed!! What happened to you??? " She asked touching me

" Mom,,, you can see me?? " I asked in tears

" What happened to your sister?? " she asked referring to Riley

" She fainted when she saw me " I replied

" This is more serious than I thought " She sighed
" Take her to her room, I will take care of Rainey "

I nodded and went upstairs,,, I dropped Riley on her bed and discovered that am back to normal.
I walked out of the room and entered mine,,, what the f**k is happening to us?? What!!!!

" No!!!!!!! " I heard screams and I immediately rushed into Riley's room,,,,,, she was shaking on the bed but everything in the room keep on getting destroyed,,,

She turned left and the wardrobe fell,, she turned right and the laptop from the couch fell down,, everything keep on getting destroyed.
I immediately wake her up,,,,

" What happened to my room?? " she asked
" It was you " I said

Mom came in with Rainey,, they were holding hands. She already got to Plastic Hand glove for her so she won't keep on hurting other people,, she doesn't even know how to control her power yet.

" I have a solution to all these " mom said
" What do you mean?? " We all asked curiously..


? Rainey ?
We All bade mom a goodbye as the person taking us to the so called school arrived
" Behave well" she waved at us with tears all over our eyes

She told us that,, where we are going right now, we are going to learn different things about our powers and mostly, how to control and use them. But who said am interested in using this f**king and deadly power of mine??

My power is like a curse,, i can't even hold anyone right now aside my siblings?? This is crazy,, I looked down at the thick plastic handglove on my hand and I sighed.
" Everything will be fine " Reed said taking my hand
I smiled,, it's like he's the only one who can always cheer me up when am sad,,, I wonder how possible I got closer to him instead of Riley..
We finally arrived at the school,,, it was a large school. The building inside are uncountable,, well what do I expect?? It's a boarding school,,,

" So,, every student here posses powers like ours? " Reed was the one who asked the man as we all approach the school with our bags,,,

" Different powers,, different ones " The man replied

" I am just gonna learn how to control mine and am out " I said

" I hope it help " Reed said
Riley only kept quiet as she starred at the buildings

Some set of girls passed us,, their bags were following them alone, while they chat in front of them.

" Wow " Escape my lips
" That's amazing " Reed said and I nodded in agreement

" Here we Are,, the woman will give you the number to your room and how to get there,, she will also give you your timetable. Wish you good luck " The man said turning back

" Are we going to see you again?? " Reed asked

" I don't know " he smiled and went off

" I guess you guys are new here " The woman said with a light smile
We all nodded

" Are you siblings?? " she asked
" Triplets " Reed said
" Wow,,,, you guys are so lovely and beautiful " she touched my cheek

" Thank you " I said

" Okay,, give me a minute " she said and soon handed some piece of paper to each of us

" Open them and tell me what's in yours " she said and we started opening it

" Girls dorm Room 107?? " Riley said

" Girls dorm Room 30" I said
" Boys dorm Room 130 " Reed said

" Cool,, that's your rooms. You will be staying there from now " she said and called there ladies to take us to the dorm

,, damn why can't we just stay together?

" Here are your timetable " she gave us

We all bid goodbye to ourselves,,,, I really wish we will stay together.

" Don't miss me too much,, I know you can't live without me " Reed whispered into my ear before leaving with the lady
I only smiled and shook my head,,,

The lady was in front while I followed still checking the school,,,
" That's it over there " she pointed at a building
" Oh thanks " I said

She smiled and went off,, I guess am left alone. I sighed and started climbing the stairs,, so stressful with bags!!

I suddenly loosed my balance,,, thank God I quickly hold unto the stair

" Careful!! " A voice shouted from the back,,,

I turned and met the real shock of my life!

It's a guy,, brown eyes, blonde hair, tall,, cute, pouted lips,, so handsome damn am lost.

" Are you okay?? " he asked and I came back to reality

" Oh,, yeah,, am fine, thank you " I replied taking my eyes off him

" You're new here? " he asked looking at the bags

" Yeah " I replied trying not to be nervous
" Your name? " he asked
" Rainey " I smiled
" Am Gavin,," what a nice name!!!

" Nice meeting you " he smiled out dimples stretching his hands for a shake
I immediately moved back,,,,,, I took my hands to my back. He seem shocked,,

" What's wrong? " he asked
" Am,, am sorry I can't,, you can't,, you can't touch me " I said trying hard not to cry,I cry easily

" Why?? "
" Am gonna hurt you,, am so sorry " I said
" I don't seem to understand you,, but it's cool. Am still gonna help you with your stuffs " he smiled and carried two out of the three

" Thank you so much " I said and followed him

He's so nice,, not just handsome for nothing. But am curious, what type of power does he have??


wow, I can't believe this, how can someone be so beautiful like an angel?
nice cute eyes, cute lips everything beautiful!!

she really looks so innocent and I had a difficult time stopping myself from blushing when I saw her checking me out..

but then, her powers! why does she have that deadly power? she must be different then..

I don't even know, what made me help her.. soon, we got to the front of her dorm..

and I dropped the bags..

" thank you so much" she said with her sweet voice


" you are welcome and nice to meet you" I replied and she smiled.. wow! cute!

" okay,then see you around" she said and began to carry her luggages away into the dorm.. while I turned and made my way to mine..

? Reed ?
" Here we are " The lady said
I smiled and nodded, she waved at me with a wink and went back.

I opened the door and three eyes starred back at me,,
" New guy?? " one of them asked
I nodded and walked in,,

" Wow,, finally!!! " another ran to hug me almost choking me
" I can't breath " I whispered
" oh, sorry about that "

The others laughed,, I moved deeper into the room checking it out. It look more large and beautiful than I expected,, wow. Five bed in the room which was painted with white all through,,,

" This is amazing " I smiled
" Yeah,, what's your name?? " one of them asked as I sat down on a bed
" Reed " I replied still looking round the room even though it's not as big as my room back at home, but I love it.

" Nice name,, I am Rafael "
" Am Janie "
" And I am Handy " The last one said

" Nice meeting you " I said
" There is another person,, he will be here soon I guess " immediately he said that, the door opened and a guy came in

He look handsome than the others,,, but is he handsome than me?? I don't think so,, ?

" Hey Gavin,, you're late " Rafael said

" Oh,, I got to help someone " he replied and faced me

" New guy " Janie said like he reads his mind

" You're welcome,, why do we have three new students today?? What's happening? " He asked and sat down

" Actually we are one " I said and they all faced me

" One?? I saw another girl,, and I heard some students whispering that there's another girl. And now you?? So how are you one?? " Gavin asked

" We are triplets " I said and they gasped

" Wow,, triplets?? I can't wait to meet your sisters,, am so jealous of you " Handy said

" I already met one,, " Gavin faced me
" Who? " I asked
" Rainey,,,, but she's kinda weird " He said and lick his lips a little

" Why do you think she's weird? " I asked

" I wanted to shake her,, but she refused " he replied,he didn't want Reed to know he knew about Rainey's power.

" Is she a nerd?? " Janie asked
" My sisters are not nerds " I snapped
" Then why?? " Gavin asked moving closer like he's curious

" Actually,,, it's part of her powers which she can't control,, it all started three days ago and that's why we are here.. Whenever she touch someone,, the person is gonna,, die " I said and they all gasped

" What?? That's scary!!! " Rafael screamed

" But,, does it have effect on you and your other sister? " Janie asked
" No it doesn't " I replied

" How about you? What power do you have?? " Handy asked and the others nodded in agreement

" I don't know yet,,, but three days ago I found myself becoming invisible "

" What the f**k!!!! Invisibility!!! " Handy shouted

" Can you do that now? I wanna see "
" I don't think I can,, it just came,, I don't know how to use it,, maybe it's only one or not, I don't know " I sigh

" What if we show you ours?? " Gavin winked and I suddenly smiled

" I will be glad!! " I shouted happily
" Who will start?? " Gavin asked
" I will " Janie winked and smiled

I wonder what he's trying to do,,,,

He suddenly pointed his hand to one of the chairs and it started burning,,,

" Omg!! " I screamed and moved back.

" Calm down " he laughed and pointed his hand to the burning chair again,, this time, water came out and the chair stopped burning.
But the chair was destroyed,,

He smiled and pointed his hand again,, the chair came back to normal.

" What the f**k just happened??!! " I shouted

" Fire, water, and then,, you brought the chair back to,,, I can't believe this right now " I said in amazement

" My turn " Handy said, I nodded waiting for it.
He stood up and walked to the window,,, I don't know what he did but suddenly there was a loud thunder,, I freaked out.

I suddenly remembered something,,,

" Handy?? " I called
" Yes? "
" When you cry,,,, will there be a thunder strike?? " I asked

" Yeah,,, I always noticed but I don't think it's something serious " he replied

" No,, it's serious. I know someone who posses that type of power,,,, " I said

" really?? " they all asked in surprise
" Who? " Gavin asked and I sigh
" My mom " I replied and they gasped

...... FLASHBACK.......

I remember fully well,,, there was a day I wanted to enter mom's room.

She was starring at something like a picture, I can't even see who the person is. But she was weeping slowly and wiping the tears off trying not to make it Fall.

A tear dropped on the floor by mistake and there was suddenly a loud thunder,, she immediately cleaned it causing me to gasp.

I never understood what happened until now,,

......... FLASHBACK ENDS....

" Wow " Handy said
" Is that the only one?? " Gavin asked

" I don't know,, I found this out by mistake " I said

" I have the same power with Janie " Rafael said and we all faced Gavin

" Okay it's my turn,, " he was about doing something when we heard a loud bell rang.

" What's that?? " I asked
" We all have to go to the large hall right now,, I think it's an emergency " Rafael said

" Emergency?? " I asked and they all faced me
" How did you know? " Janie asked

" But,, Rafael said it just now " I replied and they turned to each other and then to me

" No,, I didn't say anything " Rafael said
" What?? I beard you saying we have to go to the large hall right now, I think it's an emergency " I repeated what I heard
" No he didn't " Gavin shook his head and I suddenly felt a strong headache.

" Okay,, let's forget this " I said and we both walked out of the room

? Rainey ?

" Come on, don't be slow " Linda shouted, she wanted to hold me but then she stopped,, she smiled at me while I nodded

The room I was directed to was filled with only two girls,, Linda and Lily,, they are twins but not identical. They are both friendly and I already told them about me so non of them will make any mistake of touching me.

" Everything will be fine okay?? " Lily smiled and I nodded again

We finally got to the large hall,,, it was filled with different teenagers. I wish I will see Reed and Riley,, am missing them already.

" Hello everyone!! " A woman in her early 40s spoke up with a mic
"Hello mam " They all chorused even though I am not interested
" We brought an important warning to you all " she said and they all kept quiet.

I also faced her because I was curious to know,,

" Rainey Jully?? " She called and I became shocked
What?? Why is she calling my name??

Everyone was looking for who Rainey Jully is

" Please come out where ever you are,, and make sure you all leave some space for her to avoid contact " she said calmly

" Go on " Linda said
I nodded and walked out,,, all eyes followed me. Damn I hate attention.

" You look beautiful " the woman whispered
" Thank you mam " I replied and faced the students

My eye caught with the guy I met in the morning, Gavin. He was starring at me with no expression,, beside Him was my Brother but why can't I see Riley??

" The reason for this urgent meeting is because of our safety,,, our pretty Rainey here,,,,,, you all have to give her some space if you wanna be her friend. Am sure you all wanna be her friend,, she's pretty right?? " I noticed she was trying her best not to make me feel bad and I love her for that

" You are not allowed to touch any part of her body,, especially her hands " he said and the students seem to be confused.

" Bring it " she raised her hand

And they brought a cute puppy " oh no,, not again!!!

" Am going to show you something " She said and took the puppy from the young student

" Rainey can you carry this?? " she said
" Am sorry,, I can't " I said in tears

" Oh little Rainey,, you don't have to cry " she said

Now it's more worst, even when I cry. No one can comfort me,,,, am just a loser.

I agreed and carried the puppy which died the moment it got to me.
The students gasped and started murmuring among themselves,, am sure nobody wanna be a friend with a killer.

" Please,,, make sure non of you get too closer to her. You can be friends without contact right??

And one more thing,, I don't want you guys to stay away from her just because of this, remember its not her fault. And no matter what,....... "

" Love conquers all!!!! " They all chorused and I find myself crying,, I closed my face with my palm feeling embarrassed.

I felt a hand around me,,, I opened my eyes and it's Reed. I immediately hugged him crying on his shoulder.

The meeting was called off and everyone started going back,,,,,,

" Thanks " I said taking the handkerchief from Reed
He used his thumb to wipe the slow tears,,

" have you seen Riley? " I asked
" I saw her some minutes ago, she seem carried away with her new friends " he replied as we continue walking

Linda and Lilly joined us,,

" omg!! Who is this hottie?? Your boyfriend?? " Linda asked and I turned to Reed with a smirk which he understand

" Yeah, am her boyfriend " He said and wrapped his arms around my neck
" Wow,, you must really love her alot that you don't get hurt after touching her " Lilly said

" Yeah, we really love each other, am I right babe?? " Reed winked
" Yeah, that's right " I smiled

Linda and Lily ran off,,,,

" You should get going " I said
" okay see you tomorrow " he pecked my cheek and walked back to wherever the boys dorm is

I smiled and continue walking,,, I bumped into someone and I looked up only to see Gavin starring back at me, I swallowed into nothing still lost in his eyes.

" Am sorry " I said and shift backward so I can pass the other side

" Wait " the sweet voice said and I stopped and faced him

" Can you come closer? " he asked
" You heard what the woman,,,,,,,,,, "

" Omg!! What are you doing??!! " I shouted in fear as I see myself lifted from the ground,, and then moving closer to him. Our faces just a few inches from each other.

He smirked and that was when I noticed that his eyes were green,,

" Hey,, how did you do that? " I asked still up in the air

" My eyes " he smiled out dimples
" Okay,, can you bring me down now?? " I asked

" Nope " he said and smiled again,, I saw his eyes changed back to green, this time my long hair were flying in the air.
I felt like I was flying,,

" Wow!!! This is amazing!!!! " I shouted in enjoyment

" Am gonna bring you down right now "
" No!! Don't stop!!! " I screamed and he laughed

" No " he said and I was on the ground again
I pouted sadly
" Am glad I made you laugh "he said.
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