

Rich to Poor part 2
When the clock struck midnight she was gone, nowhere to be found. When Layla left, she didn't know where to go. So she went to a field she lived by. The field was dark and scary. Layla heard strange noises from behind her but she had no flashlight so she could not see very well. She constantly looked back thinking she was being followed. She decided to lay by a tree and try to sleep. She had a weird vibe but she forced her self to sleep. When the sun came up she tried to find a place to stay. She still had a weird vibe that she was being followed. Layla saw somesomeone. They came closer and hit her across the head. She couldn't breath correctly. EveryEverything went black. She had fainted. She woke up after a little bit. The guy was sitting by her. She reconized him...