

The way I think 1.
This world has a lot of mysteries and everyone here is different.
‏Everyone needs to be happy here. ‏But they are not. ‏Do you know why? ‏A lot of stress.
‏Working should have some capacity. ‏For kids and elders too. ‏If you don't like something don't do it. ‏But somethings are compulsory such as:
and work
These are compulsory
Study as hard as you can but at the same time have some rest. ‏We need Rest PHYSICALLY and Mentally too.....
‏We all shuld help one another to low the stress.
‏Here, ‏Saying is easy but doing is difficult. ‏But try it once and see. ‏If someone asks for help or he is in need help if you can do that work. ‏The worst ability is that everyone doesn't have is patience
The values we need are:
be humble

‎So ‎this ‎the end of chapter ‎1
© K.Mohammed Aqhib