

" The girl with her silly dream "
A girl with beautiful life who never had goal , stress , problems , talent , image ,fame , and in academic she was second class student till when she was 12years old .since after that she was leading her life same as before,
for a days later the girl's mother and her friend had a conversation about their daughter academic scores and her friend was praising that her daughter was first rank student and the girls mother stood up silently without uttering a word .the girl who heard the conversation stood up silently and decided to make her mother to feel dignified front of her friends and family members .
the girl made up her mind and struggled hard to get the highest mark, and that girl who was very weak in every subjects was topped and got first rank . when the teacher gave her the result she wanted to go home and show the marks card to her parents and wanted to see her parents reaction , as soon she went to home they had a wonderful day and the girl was congratulated by her family members and the girl's mother was praising her child and the glory in her eyes made the girl to think that her parents happiness is her happiness,and decided to get the same result more oftenly.
even if there was a tough competition, she worked hard and slept late nights struggled to make her parents happy , she made her result to get the top and the parents happiness was day by day became simple and used for her result, the girl got discouraged about that.
at the age of 14 she also went to a wrong path ( love ) but never done a mistake , she underwent with that situation and came to a normal life how she was leaving before .
one year later the girl who had beautiful life has fully changed who now had goal, stress , problems , talent , image , fame and now her academic was topped and first class , but she did not see the glory in her parents eyes and her thought to make her parents happy made her unhappy , so she want to make her goal come true and make her parents happy. but her parents felt silly about her goal and made her disappointed and made her to threaten to rank highest in pre-university so that she can be free after her pre-university result , as of that she completed her school life .
And now at the age of 16 , she started her pre -university college with more hope and did not struggle for academic but her first pre -university was first class . and as she entered to the second pre-university there was a pandemic situation of corona and she was struggling to work her in online classes and the months are going on and on, the situation was incredible and wasted that one year , working hard for online test ,exam,classes etc .
lets see what can be her result and will she be able to make up her dream come true .
- Ynshruthee

TO BE CONTINUED...........

16 - oct -2020
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