

Truth for integrity
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush
that was planted as a hedge around their homestead. At exactly mid night, Kellah watched the horror of her whole family being hacked to death, and she was dumb founded in the whole session as if, as if some one was holding her mouth not to scream. Kellah had phobia for lavatory, and this fear always prompted her to pay visit to the bush whenever nature placed a call (and for this reason, her father Mzee Kalito started digging a pit on which to construct a latrine for her beloved princess). It was this demeaning vice that would later save her life, as her family were hacked to their demise. "Leave no living creature alive to witness against us", Kellah overheard one of the assailants command. Overwhelmed with the phantom of fear of the gruesome act of murder committed on her...