

Ark of God Returned
After the Philistines captured the Ark of God,
they put it in the temple of their god. The next
morning, they found their idol face down in front
of the Ark. They set the idol back up, but the next
morning it was on the ground again. This time,
the head and hands were broken off.
Suddenly the city was overrun with mice,
and the people had large tumors covering their
bodies. The men said, “This is being caused
by the Ark of Israel’s God.” So they moved it to
another city.
Immediately, God’s judgment hit that city.
They were overrun with mice and the people
developed large painful tumors. This caused the
people to panic. The men sent the Ark of God to
yet another city, but the people there yelled at
them. “You’re trying to kill us! We don’t want that
Ark in our city!”
They moved the Ark from city to city for
seven months. Fear and death followed it
wherever it went. Finally the Philistines asked
their priests, “How can we send the Ark of the
Lord back to Israel?”
They said, “If you send the Ark back to Israel,
you must send a guilt offering with it. Then
God will remove his hand of judgment, and
you’ll be healed. Make five gold images of your
tumors and five gold images of the mice that
are destroying the land. Give glory to the God of
Israel, and he will stop crushing you. But if you
become stubborn, you’ll be like Pharaoh when
these people left Egypt. He’ll send more plagues
upon you until you send the Ark back to Israel.
“Here’s what to do. Prepare a new cart and
place the Ark of God on it. Put the gold objects
in a box beside it. Select two milk cows that
have never been in a yoke, and hitch them to the
cart. Take the calves away from the cows and
put them in a pen nearby. Then stand back and
see what the cows do. If they ignore their calves
and go up the road toward Israel, you’ll know
it was the Lord who tormented us for seven
months. But, if the cows go toward their calves,
we’ll know that all of this was just something
that happened by chance. It wasn’t God’s
The men did exactly as they were instructed.
They got two milk cows and separated them
from their calves. They hitched the cows to a
cart, even though they had never been in a yoke
before. They put the Ark on a new cart, along
with the five gold images of their tumors and the
When all was ready, they stood back and
watched. The cows went straight up the road
toward Israel. They stayed on that road with their
heads down, lowing as they went. The Philistine
rulers walked behind them all the way to the
territory of Israel.
The people of Israel were harvesting wheat
when they saw the Ark coming toward them.
They shouted for joy. As they watched, the cows
pulled the cart to a field near a large rock and
stopped. The people of Israel put the Ark on the
rock. They then used the wood from the cart to
offer the cows as a burnt offering to the Lord.
When the Philistine rulers saw this, they returned
to their country.
There were 70 men from a nearby town who
were curious about what was in the Ark of God,
so they opened it and looked inside. All 70 men
died by the hand of God. This struck fear into
the people, but it was the beginning of the nation
of Israel turning their hearts back to God.
© God Child

Q.So frend tell me what is {Ark of god}? in comment.