

Unspoken complaints of a Girl
DAUGHTER....., It is a word in which whole world is complete. In her lifetime in every stage she trys to complete her all responsibility by sacrificing her all wishes with a smile.

But the society,culture, sometimes home also discriminate in between boys and girls. I know now a days much revolution occur in this field but it is not impossible that in the change in psychology is far away from equality between them. It brings the low mindset which does partiality.

Normally in our society no one can wish in front of God to having a daughter but yes they always prepare some special so called worships in the wish of birth of the son as light of family.

In case of taking decisions the male have the dominant role in the family. In the absence of male head of family if take some decisions by female head of family then after coming back of him she gives clarification about this decision.

And also in case of some ritual tradition during death of a family person it is bound to be these are always be done by any male. Even if one family has no son ,then son in law or grand son do this but this is not right of a girl. If som

eone disobey these then the public ,media humilitaed them and also their family.

Or when a husband is dead why his wife put through all the colours of her life. But if someone's wife is late then he has no role like that and the society never blame this.

When a female wants to live life in own way and doesn't want to married, then the society blame her that she does not wants to keep happy her parents rather she take that decision only for her parents.

And also when a female wants to marry as her choice then this society scolds her that it is not right of her.You marry a unknown person who is selected by only your parents , and this is the correct thing.

When a girl chooses a career then her mother told her that do anything which is appropriate to your married life beyond your dream.

The biggest problem now a days is the mindset of middle aged womens, who are the mother of teenage children. They also go through the adolescent period but with time gradually they fall in the rule of society. They also never understand that the teenage girls have also a heart sometimes wants freedom.

If you discussed all it will be become a book. So at last please never be listen the society always give you importance on the right way. Fulfill your all dreams and make your wings enough strong to fly in the sky independently. And I want to request to all parents never be descriminate among your child , because the daughter is also your baby. And the girls let your actions be make losing the mouth of your bad thinkers.

If the society, parents and our elders of family gives much importance to a girl child then she also builds a beautiful world of her dream which should be enough superior than the boys. So support her in the right way.