

Journey Towards the Festival
She chose her cleanest piece of clothing to wear. It was a festival afterall and she wanted to celebrate with everyone else. When she stepped into the street a speeding car drove by splashing dirty water on her.
A tear fell down her cheek. The poor had no right to celebrate...

she thought to herself bitterly. Growing up in a poverty-stricken neighborhood, she had seen firsthand the struggles and hardships that plagued the less fortunate. And yet, here she was, dressed in her best clothes, about to immerse herself in a festival that seemed so far removed from the reality of poverty.

But she had made a promise to herself. After years of living in the shadows of despair, she had decided to break free from the chains of her circumstances. The festival symbolized hope, joy, and unity - things she desperately longed for in her life. So, she gathered her strength and wiped away the tear that slid down her cheek, refusing to let a passing car dampen her spirits.

Embarking on the journey towards the festival, she noticed something peculiar. People from all walks of life were gathered, sharing smiles and laughter without a hint of discrimination. It was as if, for a short while, all their differences melted away, leaving only a common celebration of life and happiness. With each step, her doubts began to dissipate.

Arriving at the festival grounds, the atmosphere was electric. The vibrant colors, pulsating music, and mouth-watering aromas overwhelmed her senses. The contagious energy spread like wildfire, and soon she found herself caught in the midst of dancing, singing, and laughter. For the first time in a long while, she felt truly alive.

As the day progressed, she encountered numerous acts of kindness and generosity from strangers. People shared food, offered shelter, and even contributed money to causes supporting those in need. It was a stark reminder that compassion and empathy still existed amidst the chaos of the world.

The evening approached, and the main event of the festival commenced - a magnificent fireworks display. As the night sky became adorned with cascading colors, she felt a sense of gratitude well up within her. In that moment, she realized that it wasn't about who deserved to celebrate, but rather, a collective human experience of joy and togetherness.

Suddenly, an idea formed in her mind. Inspired by the love and camaraderie surrounding her, she decided to make a difference. She would dedicate her life to helping those less fortunate, to create opportunities for education and empowerment, and to foster a society that valued the inherent worth of every individual.

Leaving the festival that night, her previous misconceptions shattered, she walked back through the streets with renewed purpose. The dirty water splashed on her clothes now seemed insignificant compared to the fire that burned within her. She vowed to make a change - empowering the poor, bridging the gap between privilege and poverty, and spreading hope in the places that needed it the most.

In that moment, she realized that the festival wasn't just a celebration for the fortunate; it was a reminder to all that we have the power to make a difference, no matter our circumstances. And she was determined to be that difference, even if it meant starting with just one act of kindness at a time.

#WritcoStoryPrompt42 #life


© deep_widin