

Serene Town

Their lives wasn't rich but it was certainly serene, they lived hidden away from the outside world forgotten and they thrived to keep it that way. Harmony is the cause for a better way of living. They're getting away from what is known as normal to the outside world, please, please, please 'd o n 't give'em away.
They like it this way there are a few of them that venture out to make money to buy the needs.
Sam live here too but he work for the outside world to make sure no one knows.
Her name was Diaya,
I drove in needing gas I turned left on a built drive by this ragged falling down bridge I could see the river rushing pass through the floor boards. I couldn't see this town from the road. City of dead was written in gold graffiti on a boxcar on forgotten tracks were life stood patient and serene.
Me driving in made nerves pop giving time for folks standing on Front Street to get to their hide. They all disappeared but to where.
I'm nervous now and on E.
I know that I saw some people I turned in here because this is the way she went.
O'my God where am I... HELLO!!!
All I need is some gas I yelled... no one!!!
It was an entire town with a small hotel right out on Front Street it quite too quite but I'm now stranded with no gas I can't leave.
HELLO! I drove miles to get here where can I get some I yelled. Off in the distance two people appeared it was her and Sam, I knew Sam as a driver really a delivery man for May's Farm.
A sigh of relief fell all over me as they walk towards me. They slowly walk up to me with an essence of fear to be found out. As they got closer it was as if I was seeing ghost, her face, hair and eyes were almost the same color as pail as a full moon.
Hi' I know you,
Sam right, he wouldn't shake hands, he just looked. She stood at the right back of Sam like she was afraid to be seen.
I need some gas I can't move my car because it just shut off where's a gas station.
Sam knew me from his deliveries that I wouldn't be a threat to their hidden life so he told me to come with him.
The entire town was a ghost town but with living people that wanted to be left alone. They had everything that every city has with the exception of electricity.
No electricity meant no bills no newcomers to overrun to come in and take over with unwanted ideas and ways.
We went behind the drug store on Front to the back where they had converted some of the stores into their homes. Around back more faces started to appear more families even kids.
We passed a park that was so nice and clean as if no one ever used it. There were no animals no cats, no dog, no trash anywhere, I mostly kept my head kinda downward straight ahead not to offend anyone by looking.
At last we ended up to a kinda Inn with separate dwellings or cabins where Diaya and Sam lived.
Diaya walked on to the cabin next to Sam's not saying anything yet.
Where is this place I asked Sam,
'nowhere he guickly said.
We don't have gas here and my truck uses diesel,
you'll have to spend tonight night here you're safe there's no violence here.
All the cabins are free and clean take your pick just pick up behind yourself.
I went to the cabin left of his the door was unlocked and everything was so nice and clean,
Out of the window on the back of the cabin was a big river that furnace water spun by the big wheel that it turned.
Later that evening about 6 Sam poked his head in to see if I was ok.
'You hungry, he ask?
We walked over to a Cafe where there was a good deal of people all eating together.
There was a big pot of something sitting on a long table with bread, plates, bowls, forks spoons and knives where the entire town served themselves.
Everyone is so nice and polite I can't believe what I'm seeing I said to Sam. Everyone here has their own problems but we mind our own business although we do help each other Sam started open up and talk.
Diaya came over and sat with me and Sam
they're getting away from what is known as the normal to the outside world,
please, please, please d o n 't give'em away.
Her eyes were as clear as water, her skin was smooth as silk she has a beauty that is rarely seen anywhere outside world or not.
She was soft spoken a woman of gentleness with just a hint of authority the other people here seem to acknowledge.
Her dress is profound dresses pass her knees, nothing provocative in the way of her dress very respectful, no jewelry, no makeup.
Believe me it's all there everything that a person could want is all right there at hands reach Sam makes sure of it.
I wouldn't ask anymore questions after Sam shot me down with my first one.
They told me that Diaya started the town with a hoe and seeds that she brought in from the outside world, since then Sam makes sure that everyone gets whatever is need by keeping stores stocked with his delivery truck.
After eating everyone washes their own uses put away clean for the next meal with the exception of the little ones.
We walked to Sam's were he continued to tell me things that I couldn't believe about some of the people and how they came to live there.
He told me how he met Diaya and agreed to be their delivery truck for things needed.
This town isn't a secret it's not lost it's just forgotten and we want it to stay that way please he said.
It was getting late Diaya had said good night hours before,
I'll go to town in the morning for your gas but please forget what you saw here and never tell anyone about us Sam said.

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