

Will We Survive??
I know I posted it long time ago but I changed the end part for satisfaction, who read this if want to read again then you can, sorry for posting again this story.

It is Monday morning. Meena wakes up early after a Sunday vacation, due to her mother's nagging. Meena's mother gives her and Rahul food before they head to college. The sun is shining all around as they walk. Suddenly, Meena bumps into Rahul.

Meena - "Why are you always so careless?!!"
Rahul - "God gave you four eyes but you still bump into me."
Meena - "Don't insult me because I wear glasses, or I'll show you what I can do!!"
Rahul - "Come on, leave it, take my bag."
Meena - "Why should I...?"
Rahul - "Have you lost your memory? You lost the race yesterday, and as a punishment, you have to carry my bag for a week."

Meena's father is a police officer and was best friends with Rahul's father. After Rahul's father's death, Meena's dad promised to take care of Rahul. Since childhood, Rahul has lived in Meena's house, and they are good friends. But between friends, quarrels like this always happen.

Meena reluctantly takes the bag and heads to college. There, she meets Lalita, her best friend. Meena throws his bag and starts talking to Lalita.

Rahul - "Mina, who throws a bag like that?!"
Meena - "I can't take your bag; take it yourself!"
Lalita - "Let's hurry; our class is about to start."
Meena - "Yes, come on, let's go."

Then Rahul take his bag and went to classroom.

They meet Nil, Rahul's best friend, and talk about their annual function. Then, the professor named Preeti comes in and starts teaching.

After a while, during a math class, preeti suddenly shouts.

Preeti - "Rahul!! Did you hear what I said?"
Rahul - "Yes, mam…."
Rahul yawns and asks Meena, who is sitting next to him.
Rahul - "What did mam say?"
Meena - "She told you to wipe the blackboard with the duster."
Rahul goes and erases the blackboard. Everyone laughs at him. Preeti looks back, hearing the laughter, and says,

Preeti - "What did you do?!!! I asked you to write the answer to a question, and you wiped everything! Get out of my class right now!"
Rahul - "But mam, it was…."
Preeti - "I said right now!!!"
Rahul - "Okay, mam."
Rahul stands outside and says to himself, "My big mistake was asking her. I should have known she would do something like that." Then Rahul sees a jumping raccoon through the window. "What is the raccoon doing here, and why is it running so fast?"

On the other hand, Dev and Pallava, Meena's classmates, are trying to bunk college. They go to the field and see the security guard sleeping. It's the perfect time for them to escape, but they see a raccoon.

Dev - "Where did the raccoon come from?"
Pallava - "Let's take a look at it."

When Pallava touches the raccoon it bites him, and then it runs away from there and dies. Immediately, the security guard wakes up upon hearing Pallava's scream. Seeing them bunking college, the principal calls them to his office and scolds them for about five minutes. Suddenly, Pallava's nose starts bleeding. The principal says, "Pallava, your nose.... Are you okay?"
Pallava - "Principal, I feel weird."
Dev - "Principal, I guess after the raccoon bit him, his nose started bleeding."
Principal - "What? A raccoon?"
Dev - "Yes, there was a raccoon in the field, and it bit Pallava."
Principal - "Okay, now go to the nurse's room. You look very scary."

They go to the nurse's room.

Dev - "Nurse, Pallava's nose is bleeding."
Nurse - "Okay, wait, let me check."
After saying this, the nurse looks back and sees Pallava vomiting. It was not an ordinary vomit, but a vomit of blood. Seeing the blood, Dev and the nurse get scared.

Nurse: "You are vomiting blood. Has anything like this happened before?
Pallava: "No, never before."
Nurse: "I don't have that injection. It's better to take you to the hospital. Lay down on the bed, you'll feel better."
Then she called the ambulance.

Pallava: "I'm thirsty! I am thirsty!"

Pallava kept repeating this for a long time and lay down on the bed.

Nurse: "Injection is not there but I have a medicine that will help you. Take these pills."

After saying that, the nurse is about to give Pallava the medicine then she notices that Pallava's eyes are completely red. The nurse cannot understand what happened.

Pallava: I'm thirsty! I am thirsty!
Nurse: "Wait, I will give you water."

Suddenly, Pallava's hands and feet went numb. When the nurse gave him a glass of water, he said, "I want to drink blood. Where is blood? Nurse, I feel like you have very pure blood. I want to drink it!" The nurse became shocked.
Nurse: "What are you saying? Do you want to drink ...!"
Within a second, he jumped and bit the nurse's hand. The nurse started screaming.

After that, the ambulance arrived. The nurse informed them that he was bitten by a racoon and described the strange things Pallava had done. They took note of everything.

Then she went to her room with Dev, and similarly, the nurse's nose started bleeding. She also started vomiting blood, and her hands and feet were bruised. The nurse started chasing after Dev, but Dev began running.

Then the nurse bit everyone around her.

On the other hand Preeti called Rahul to enter the classroom and forgive him. Then Dev somehow escaped to his classroom and started screaming.

Preeti: Why are you screaming like this? What happened?

Dev: Mam... Zombie... Mam!

Preeti: Zombie? Tell me what happened. Sit here and explain everything.

Dev started telling them about the incident.

Urshita: What rubbish! I saw zombies in movies. How can zombies be here?
Dev: Believe me, I'm telling the truth! I think it all happened because of that raccoon. It started happening after the raccoon bit Pallava.
Tanisha: Zombie... We must escape now! If they bite us, we will become zombies. Hurry, Mam, hurry. We have to escape from here!
Preeti: Don't be in such a hurry. Keep calm. Dev, You might be mistaken somewhere. Zombies are not here...

Right away, Preeti goes to the door and sees many students and teachers. They are looking so scary, their nose bleeding, they have big and sharp teeth and eyes are completely red, she understand they became zombies and they trying to enter the room.

Suddenly, Basanti ma'am announced from the hall room,
"All the students are being informed that there is a zombie apocalypse in our college. Everyone, try to save your lives. Try to get out of this college as soon as possible. If you stay here too long, you may lose your life. I am repeating, a zombie apocalypse has happened in our college. You should leave the college as soon as possible, otherwise... Principal Rana, a zombie, has come here by breaking the door. What will we do now?!"

The announcement stopped immediately.
When Rana sir was about to be bitten by the zombie, he threw Basanti, ma'am towards the zombies and ran away through another door.

Preeti Ma'am and all her students could guess that zombies had entered the hall room too, so the announcement had stopped.

Everyone was very scared.

Preeti: "All the zombies are moving to the other side, this is the time to run. Everyone, stay with me. Nil, open the second door lightly and check if there are any zombies."

Nil: "No ma'am, there are no zombies."
Preeti: "There are no zombies too, everyone come with me to another classroom."
They reached room number 209 safely.

Joysree: "Ma'am, we have to save my brother Sreejoy. I don't even know what he is doing. Ma'am, please find my brother he also study here ma'am and take him with us, please ma'am, please!!"

Tanisha: "You want to go to find your brother this time? You still don't understand what is happening around you? If we go to find your brother zombies will bite us."

Joysree: "If you had a brother, then you would have felt it!! Ma'am, please save my brother."

Tanisha: "You want to save your brother, but what about us? Go find yourself if you want to die, don't involve us!"

Joysree: "I have no one in my family except my brother, and you are telling me I will let my brother die? Selfish girl!!"

Preeti: "You two are making trouble for us, shut up, we will surely save your brother, stop quarreling."

Meena: "Everyone, listen carefully, don't quarrel. A little while ago, when the announcement was made, I noticed that all the zombies were going towards the announcing room, which means that the zombies heard the noise and attacked us. From now on, we have to go without making a sound. We can't make too much noise, understand? Otherwise zombie will attack us."

Rayan noticed something.

On the other hand, the whole area is teeming with zombies. Tying up Pallava, scientists are trying to experiment with his blood sample. Unfortunately, Pallava bit some of the scientists, and the zombie infection spread in the science lab. The police officer locked the lab because the scientists had turned into zombies.

Adarsh, who is the head of the police department, called the most educated scientist, Prabhu.

Adarsh: You must know we have a zombie apocalypse here. Do you know how it happened? Or how to make an antidote?

Prabhu: Actually, all of this happened because of me.

Adarsh: What?!

Prabhu: I wanted to make weak people very strong. Weak people always lose against strong people. So I secretly started doing my experiment on a raccoon at Aacharya Prafulla Chandra College, where I teach Science. My daughter was always abused by the boys in her class. I told the principal many times, but they did not take any action, even I complain to police but they didn't care. Because of that, my daughter committed suicide. I didn't want that other weak people to suffer like my daughter. But the raccoon ran away before the experiment was complete. I couldn't find it anywhere in the college, so I thought it must have gone to my house since it had run away from the college to my house once before. I couldn't have imagined that this raccoon is in the college and it will bite peoples and they turned into zombie.

Adarsh: I understand your words and emotions, but how could a person do that?! Do you know what the situation is in our area?! I will arrest you, come with us!

Sarthok (Meena's father): Acharya Prafulla Chandra College?! My daughter also studies at that college, and she went there today. But sir, the antidote needs to be made first, otherwise, everyone will become a zombie. I have to save Meena and Rahul. I promised Rahul's father that I would save him under any condition!

Adarsh: Tell me, Prabhu, where is that antidote?!

Prabhu: There is a diary in the hall room of that college where everything is written.But I'm not sure if it will help us or not cause I didn't apply that antidote to the raccoon and it's died.

Adarsh: We have no choice, we should bring that dairy.

Sarthok: Sir, let me go there. I have to save my daughter Meena and Rahul.

Adarsh: No, Sarthok. You have to protect the Prime Minister from here. You are a properly trained police officer, so I entrust you with this huge responsibility. Deep, come here, listen we have to crossed the border and went to the other city to save our prime minister, police department, some scientists, some people's.Go to that college, bring that diary, and save the people inside the college.

Deep: Okay, sir!

Sarthok: Sir, let me go to the college, please sir, please!

Adarsh: Don't you trust Officer Deep? You know he is also a trained police officer. Trust me, everything will be fine.

Sarthok: But sir...

Adarsh: It's my order!! Now come on everyone let's go to other city, Deep will handle it, after that we will think how to made antidote by that dairy.

Prabhu: I'm thirsty! I want blood!!
He turned into zombie.

They wanted to know that how to made an antidote from Prabhu but he turned into zombie so they were forced to throw him out of the window to save everyone.

Meanwhile, in college, Rayan noticed that Dev was constantly wiping his nose with a handkerchief.
Rayan - Mam, Dev's nose is bleeding. Did a zombie bite him?

Everyone became scared.
Preeti - Calm down, nothing happened to him. If you suspect everyone like this, none of us will survive.

Immediately, Dev started vomiting blood.
Tanisha pulled Dev and opened the door, barring him from the classroom.

Meena - Why did you throw Dev out?!!!
Tanisha - He would have bitten us all if he had stayed here.
Preeti - Tanisha!!! How many times I have to said we should work as a team?!
Wait, Dev, I'm opening the door now.

After saying this, Preeti opened the door and brought Dev into the classroom, but suddenly he turned into a zombie. Dev bit Punam, Kriti, and Arjun.
Preeti - Everyone, get out of here quickly!!
Rahul - But, Mam, what will happen to them??!!
Preeti - There is nothing we can do, go quickly.

After that, Meena, Rahul, Urshita, Rayan, Lolita, Joysree, Nil, Rina, Tanisha, Subho, and Preeti reached the hall room, and fortunately, there were no zombies. One day passed like this.

Tanisha noticed bruises on Rayan's hand.

Tanisha - Mam, Ryan must have been bitten by a zombie.
Preeti - If a zombie had bitten him, he would have turned into a zombie by now.
Urshita - Mam, take him out of the hall room!!
Nil - Urshita and Tanisha, "Mam is right. If he was bitten by a zombie, he would have become a zombie by now."
Joysree - No, Mam, take him out of the hall room.
Rayan - Mam, I cut my hand on the door while running. Mam, a zombie didn't bite me, believe me!!

After that, everyone started quarreling among themselves and everyone blame Tanisha and she became angry.

Preeti - Okay, I am arranging to lock Rayan in a place.
Rahul - But, Mam, you also know that nothing happened to him...
Preeti - You understand that, but others don't, so I am doing it to gain their trust.

After that, Preeti stuck Rayan with some boxes. After about 5 hours, Preeti saw that Rayan had not turned into a zombie and told Tanisha,
Preeti - Now, you settle all the problems and become friends.
Hearing this, Tanisha wiped Rayan's hand with her handkerchief and cleared all the quarrels.

After 5 minutes, blood started coming out of Rayan's nose.
Tanisha - Mam, Mam!! Rayan's nose is bleeding. I already said he's going to turn into a zombie, but no one listened to me!!!!

Rahul - Rayan, don't worry. When nothing happened to you so far, it won't happen now. Don't worry...
Immediately, Rayan turned into a zombie. Rayan bit Lolita.

Meena - Lolita!!!!! No, you are my best friend, right? You are not a zombie. Listen to me!!

Rahul and Meena tried to convince them, but then Preeti saw their situation and threw Lolita and Rayan out of the window to save others.
Even though everyone felt bad, Preeti's decision was right.

Rina started thinking about something. Then Nil asked, "What happened, Rina? What are you thinking?"

Rina: Tanisha, you think i don't know what did you do? I saw everything right away. I didn't understand at first, so I couldn't stop you.

Tanisha: What... What are you saying? I... What did I do?!!

Rina: I saw you hide Dev's handkerchief and use it to wipe Rayan's wound. Rayan wasn't bitten by a zombie, you intentionally killed him.

Tanisha: Why would I kill someone? He was bitten by a zombie.

Rina: No ! You are telling lie!!

Tanisha: Do you have any proof that I killed him?!!

Rina immediately took out the bloody handkerchief from Tanisha's pocket and showed it to everyone.

Everyone looked at Rina in surprise. Rina is a very quiet girl who doesn't talk to anyone. She doesn't get involved in any trouble. This is the first time Rina has confronted someone like this.

Rahul: Why you do that!!!!!!

Tanisha: You really want to know that? His father is a driver. While he was driving an accident occurred and my mother died who was sitting on that car. So I wanted to kill his dad too but i had a chance to kill his son , he should know how much pain I handle lossing my mother!!!

Nil: it's a misunderstanding Rayan's father didn't mean to kill your mother!! Rubbish!!

Rahul punched Tanisha in her face, and Tanisha fell down. She continued crying and left the hall room through the door.

Preeti: You try to save your life. I'm going to save Tanisha.

Everyone tried to stop Preeti, but she went to save Tanisha.

Many zombies were chasing after Tanisha, and she was running away. One of the zombies was about to bite her, but Preeti saved her by locking her in a room. Preeti stood outside the door and said, "I forgive you on behalf of all your friends. You should try to save your life."

Tanisha: Mam, you should go inside the room quickly, or the zombies...

Immediately, Preeti turned into a zombie.

Tanisha cried and said in her heart, "Mam gave her life for me, and I......."

On the other side they remember their family and said,
Joysree - It looks like my brother has become a zombie now.
Urshita - My mother used to cook tasty food, but I always used to criticize her. I miss her very much.
Meena - I don't even know how my parents are.
Nil - I want to say something! I want to go to the bathroom.
Subho - I want to poop!
Joysree - How do we get a bathroom here?
Subho - Window! We can use the window as a toilet.
Urshita - How do you poop by the window?
Subho - I can sit upside down on the windowsill.
Nil - What will the girls do?
Subho - I do not know!
Nil - What if we fall?
Subho - I will sit firmly with both hands.
Nil - How will you clean yourself...?
Subho - Someone has to do that.
Nil - Ewww!! Keep your ideas to yourself!!
Meena - My father works in the police. He told me what can be done in such a situation.
We need some clothes for that.
Joysree - How do we get clothes here?
Meena - I remember here are the dresses we made for the Annual function let's collect that.

Everyone collected clothes from the hall room, and Meena put the clothes in a box. They surrounded it with other boxes and made it like a bathroom. They have no choice so everyone used that dirty bathroom which they made.

Rina - We have to get out of here.
Urshita - If we get out of here, the zombies will bite us!
Rina - We can't hide like this for the rest of our lives. Even if the zombies are not in the room, we will not survive for long.
Urshita - Don't talk negatively, please!
Rina - I am telling the truth. We can live without food for 8-21 days, without water for 3 days. We don't have any food, and the water has also run out. If we sit here without food and water, we will die.

On the other hand, Principal Rana comes to the room where Tanisha was.
Rana: Tanisha, open the door or the zombie will bite me.
Hearing this, Tanisha opened the door. He said he want to drink blood and Rana's nose started bleeding . Tanisha was scared, she tried to run but Rana sir bite Tanisha and she also became a zombie.

On the other hand, zombies were trying to enter the hall room.
Rahul: We can't stay here much longer. We have to escape from here.
Meena: How do we escape?
Nil: Put all the boxes and things in front of the door, hurry up! And we will go to the roof through the pipe.
Urshita: What? A pipe?
Subho: There is no other way, we have to do this!
Joysree: What do we do on the roof?
Rina: If any help is available, then we will survive.

After that, they all put all the things towards the door and went down the pipe to the roof. But a zombie pulled Rina's leg, but Nil grabbed her hand pull her and saved Rina.

After everyone safely reached the roof, Nil noticed something.
Nil: Meena, what is that in your hand?
Meena: There was this diary in the hall room, so I thought to bring it with me.
Rina: What is written in this diary? Let me check.

Rina started reading the diary.

1st day of the experiment---
I gave an injection to the leg of the raccon It's not working.
2nd day of the experiment---
I gave an injection of 5 millimeters more dose, the raccoon started running a little faster.
3rd day of the experiment---
In the same way, the raccoon is running.
4th day of the experiment---
The raccoon is eating a lot.
5th day of the experiment---
The roccons nose is bleeding.
6th day of the experiment---
The raccoon is vomiting blood.
7th day of the experiment---
The raccoon is running like mad and has become very strong.

Rina stoped reading and said,
Rina: I think everything related to zombies is written in this diary.
Nil: What is written? Read it out loud.

A plane has already landed on the roof of that college.
Meena, Rahul, Urshita, Nil, Subho, Rina are very happy to see the plane, thinking that now they can go home. Deep saw the diary and understood that it was the diary that he was asked to bring. Deep took the diary, but he saw that some pages are missing! He told everyone that the antidote is not written here and when the time came to rescue them, the order came, "because we have no antidote, tomorrow at 1 pm the whole area will be blown up with a bomb, and they should not rescue any people of the college. They are in the zombie zone for some days, if any of them gets bitten by a zombie and rescued, they will have problems in their area too." So they left with the plane and everyone becomes disappointed.

Everyone cried so hard but then Meena said with anger,
Meena - No one will come to save us! We have to save our own lives!. If we can get through that jungle, we will survive. We can't go out so late at night; tomorrow when the sun rises, we will go to the jungle.
Rina - Here is the rope. We will go down tomorrow.

The next morning, when the sun rises they went down the rope. Then all the zombies attacked them. They started running, but there are so many zombies that they went into their basketball games room, which is near to the field. There, they started finding some supplies, and Meena found a radio. She had an idea. She told everyone that if they throw the radio in the opposite direction of the jungle, the zombies will go there, hearing the sound.

But suddenly, the zombies broke down the door and entered the room. When the zombies tried to bite Meena, Rahul fight with the zombies and saved her. He said to her, "Maybe I don't protect you from now on, but please forgive me for teasing you, fighting with you. I wrote a letter for you, where I poured out all my feelings towards you. I know you don't love me but still I love you. Now, I'm the happiest person."

Meena - No that's not true, yes I agree I don't love you as a lover but I love you as a friend! Why are you happy we aren't safe at all!
Rahul - Because I have a chance to save someone's life.
Meena noticed his hand and tried to console him.
Rahul - Nil, take care of her. I know she loves you, but you don't love her. You love Rina. But still, for me, take care of her like a friend would. Save her at any cost! And save everyone right now!
Meena - What about you?!!
Nil: But ...... We don't want to lose you ...!!
Rahul: I have no choice, I'm bitten by a zombie I will become a zombie soon , just run away from here!!! Why are you still standing here just go!!!

Rahul took the radio and started running in the opposite direction of the jungle, turning on the radio, and the zombies chased after Rahul.

Meena started crying. But Nil pulled Meena and they went into the jungle.

After walking for some time, Meena still feel guilty. Urshita said, "What time is it now? If they blast this area with a bomb, what will happen to us?"
But fortunately, they crossed the forest and saw the border police army. They ran towards them.

At first, the police force thought they were zombies, but when they raised their hands, they realized they were not zombies.
After the bomb blast, they were kept in quarantine for 6 months to observe.

Meena still thinks about Rahul and says to herself, "I understand now how lonely I have become without Rahul. We used to play so many games from childhood. I can't live without him. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't let him die saving me. Are all the zombies dead or alive? Because the antidote has still not been found!"

After quarantine, Meena noticed that Rina had a wound on her leg. She became scared, wondering if Rina had been bitten by a zombie. She asked Rina,
Meena: Have you been bitten by a...
Rina: Yes, I have been bitten by a zombie. It happened while I was climbing to the roof using a pipe. However, I didn't feel any strange symptoms, so I kept it as a secret in my heart.
Meena: What?! But how is that possible? You didn't turn into a zombie!!!

Just then, Meena's father overheard their conversation. He contacted a scientist who started researching this matter.

They discovered that Rina's blood contained rare antibodies, which prevented her from turning into a zombie after being bitten.

Finally, they successfully developed an antidote using Rina's blood and administered it to everyone. Everything gets normal and the authority trying to repair the area.

Then one day, every friend of Rahul who survived went to the jungle near of that college. They saw something strange.

Meena: "Is that a human? Could it be a zombie? Are there still zombies here?"

They were very scared. But then they saw a familiar face.

Meena: "Oh my god! It's Rahul."

Meena ran towards Rahul, but everyone thought he was a zombie, so they were still afraid and tried to stop Meena from reaching him. However, she still went to him and hugged him.

Rahul: "Don't worry, I'm not a zombie. I'm safe and alive."

He patted her head.

Meena started crying and held him tightly.

Rahul: "Please don't cry. I'm okay now. I'm sorry I didn't come to you, I was in a coma. I got better a few days ago."

Meena: "How did you survived? You were bitten by a zombie, and without food, water, and after the bomb blast, how are you alive?"

Rahul: "I don't know how we survive but the bomb blast didn't occurred in this jungle, there were two other people who survived with me. They found some fruit from the trees and collected water from the river. They took care of me."

Meena: "If the three of you survived, why didn't you come to our area?"

Rahul: "Because I was in a coma, they don't want to crossed the border without me."

Meena: "But the antidote has been found."

Rahul: "Really? How?"

Then Meena told him everything about how they found the antidote, and Rahul called those two people. They greeted each other and then crossed the border and reached safety.

They still didn't understand that after biting by zombies how these 3 people survived.
Then scientist observing them and said, "In this world some people's have rare antibodies, they have same antibodies like Rina so they didn't turned into Zombie and bomb blast happened some certain areas, they didn't blast forest area so they saved.

After that, Meena realized how sad she was after Rahul saved her from the zombies without caring about his own life. She then realized that she actually loves Rahul, not Nil – it was just an attraction. She confessed her love to Rahul, and they lived happily ever after because of the antidote, which caused the zombies to die.

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