

Bad Habbits
You think you know what people are cable of, you think you know who people are until they prove you wrong. You know it's funny, because we all make assumptions about people and we all wanna see the best in everybody, but whats wrong with seeing the worst in someone? I mean isn't that how we build as people and grow as a person? We learn from our mistakes and we try to do better. But we don't do better. Both as people and as a person we don't learn from our mistakes and we refuse to see the worst in people and in situations. We do it because we don't wanna see the bad even if it's staring us right in the face. It sickens us to the very core and instead of growing and learning form our mistakes we repeat them in different ways to convince ourslef that we have grown but we really haven't. In doing this we make different situations but end with the same result. So we continue to try to do better. Even if that means refusing to see the worst in people, and doing this very thing becomes our very down fall. Because when we assume the best in someone we block out all the bad and when were faced with the bad we give them the benefit of the doubt. Which is good but don't ignore what might be and that could very much be happening behind closed doors. We should trust our instinct and always keep the bad in mind so that we can grow from it the right way. So when you always keep the good in mind without keeping the bad in mind you fale as a person to actuall apply change until something really bad happens to you, which then forces you to make the change.....