

The orphan:7
It was back to Ishan who was busy cleaning the house when she entered in Shivay room when she found Ishkyas picture under his pillow
Ishan:(to herself)What's mummys picture doing here?
When she heard the door opening she quickly got out
Ishan:Yes mummy
Padma:Well I am a little bit busy right now can you help me go and get some fruits from the market?
Ishan:Yes mummy
When Padma gave her a basket and money.She headed to the market bought the fruits on her way back while walking she heard a cars horn behind her before she could turn a certain guy covered her mouth and carried her in the car when they covered her with a piece of clothing on her nose and mouth that she fell unconscious.It was when she woke up she was tied on a chair and a torch was light on her face
Murty:(kneeling)How are you friend?
Ishan:Why are you doing this to me?
Padma:Do you want to know why?It's because no one can snatch a father's love from my daughter just like that
When Padma got a call from Shivay
Shivay:Where are you why aren't you back yet?
Padma:We are from Ishans burial
Shivay:(in disbelief)Did you say Ishan?
Padma:(sobing)I am really sorry he got a car accident and......
Shivay:You stop crying and come home first
When Padma turned the phone off
Padma:(smillingly)Now all's set up
Murty:Can we go mummy?
When she lit a match and threw it on the floor that was in petrol and they left.When a certain man was passing by
Man:Oh!no our stores on fire
Ishan:(coughing weakly)Help me ,H..........(when she closed her eyes)
It was few minutes later when she opened her eyes and there was Veejey sitting beside her applying some ointment on her face
Veejay:You are finally awake
Ishan:Yes bro
Veejay:What were you doing there and who tied you on a chair?
Ishan:Some gangsters invaded me on my way back home
When Dayavanti entered holding a bowl of soup
Dayavanti:Have some it will make you feel better
Ishan:Thank you aunty

He was walking to and from the room when Murty entered with Padma when Murty Ren towards his direction
Murty:(crying)Daddy I miss Ishan I.....
Shivay:(strocking her hair)I am really sorry it's my fault
Now go to mummy there is something I have to take care of.When he quickly left and headed towards the temple

A flashback
Ishan:Whenever I will be missing home you can come and look for me here.I will be talking to Buddha
When Shivay began walking slowly to the altar
Shivay:Mr.Buddha do you know where Ishan is?He said he would be talking to you whenever not home,and I really don't believe if he is dead do you?
It was the next day in an early morning as Ishan woke up
Veejay:So you are really leaving today
Ishan:Sure.But I have to go and get something before leaving
When she began walking towards a shop when somebody touched her shoulder
Shivay:Excuse me you look like somebody familiar
Ishan:I am really sorry you must have mistaken me for somebody
As she wanted to leave
Shivay:Aren't you Ishan?
Ishan never answered instead she went away without turning back.She quickly headed back home
Veejay:Where's something you went to get?
Ishan:Well something interrupted me and......Anyway mind we get going?
When they headed to the air port when the plane arrived
Veejay:Are you really leaving?
When they hugged Ishan turned took her bags and left