

Falling in love
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table. The people were perfect too. Highschool lovers, together for 5 years, eternally loyal and loving. Lily Styler and James Spinnet. They sat in front of each other on the balcony of a fancy restaurant. "Wow," James thought, as he looked Lily up and down. "She looks stunning."
Lily sure did. In her figure hugging red dress and bright burgundy hair, soft maroon lips and green eyes, she was the prettiest one in the room. James was no less. He already stole the attention of many in his hoodie and jeans, but in a casual suit, he looked radiant. And he was glowing too. He knew this could be the night where everything changes. He grew more and more nervous as he kept fingering the small velvet box on his coat pocket.
"James, everything okay? You're sweating like crazy."
James knew he couldn't give away his secret yet, but seeing her cocked head and concerned expression made him melt inside.
"Yes love. I just feel a bit toasty in this jacket."
"I know this place isn't your type. I you want, we can cancel and get a pizza at home?"
This. This was what he loved about her. He declined, and let her order. When the food finally came, he was done waiting. James got up, smiled, and got down on one knee. Lily gasped and laughed with her hands cupping her mouth.
"Lily Styler, for as long as I have known you, I have been dreaming of this day. You are an amazing person who has helped me through thick and thin. Thank you for all of that, and I know I cannot ever repay you but I promise you I'll try. So do me a favour here. Lily, will you marr-"
The air exploded in a bang. The floor erupted into flames and the balcony went thundering down. There had been a bomb. People were yelling and running and amidst all the panic, James and Lily lost each other. Moments later, men in black masks flooded the place, chanting rituals and demanding money. But Lily and James fell with the balcony. Fell holding hands. Fell in love. For the last time.