

me and my wondered self(ep 1)
I was sitting alone today, and my wondered self take advantage and step forward to ask me, "I see that you are changing some of your thoughts and beliefs, why? And I hear you saying that they are wrong and that your beliefs in them was wrong, why did you originally believe in them if you will discover later that they are wrong and they are just a lie?"
Me: Because you weren't there at that time.
WS: yes i was but you left no room for question. You were suppressing me,
Me: Well,they told us that you are dangerous, i'm sorry, I was wrong, or afraid to ask, but it's not too late, what was your question?
WS: How did it happen that you was believing in everything you are changed it now?
Me: good question. I will answer you with an example. Do you remember when I was studying in the secondary school, especially in the first days of philosophy?
WS: yes
Me: Do you remember what the professor used to do before any lesson?
WS: He was writing the topic of the lesson on the blackboard, right?
Me: yes and but right before he discussed the countain of the lesson, what he was doing?
WS: He was giving you an introduction to the authors,
Me: Yes, he used to say, this writer was a great person in his time. He wrote many books, and he teached in some big universities, and his ideas are still alive today .... etc. And we were affected a lot, when we got out of the classroom, we keep talking about this scholar, and we want to be like him, and we never ask whether what he said is true or false,
WS: What does this story have to do with abandoning those ideas,
Me: Did you not understand yet?
WS: Explain to me more.
Me: When we hear this long profile of the writer, we were affected by him, and we see him as a great person with great ideas before we hear them, so when we heard what he said, we did not discuss neutrally,it's like the publicity of a product that was produced by the biggest and famous company of the world,immediatly you will say that prodoct is great before you even use it,imagine that this product is ideas and believes and theories and the company is that scholar,conclude the rest.
WS: Do you mean you were influenced by those who said those thoughts more than the ideas themselves?
Me: yes
WS: I think i understand, but what is the alternative to these ideas,to your believes? that's your idenetity.
Me:i will replace all of this with one idea,
WS: what is it?
WS: what is it? where are you? answer me..what ...why......how.....?????
© alchis blacksmith