

Nerdy Footballer
I was captain of the football team for my highschool. We were about halfway through our sophomore year when I new student transferred. Her name was Jenna. I was walking through the hall of our school with most of my team,when one of my friends purposefully knocked the books out of her hand. "Nerd!" he shouted and laughed as he high fived on of our teammates. "Hey,leave her alone!" I said and went to help her. I bent down and picked some of her books up before handing it to her. "Sorry about them, they're jerks." I said and introduced myself. "I'm Matthew,and you're the new girl,right? Umm Jenna?" "Yeah." she said shyly. "Nice to meet you. Hey, maybe want a tour of the school?" "Sure." she replied and pushed her glasses up higher with a smile.

We walked around the entire school, talking and getting to know each other better on the way. "Hey,what's your fist class?" I asked her. "Lemme check. It's History." she replied. "Same as me. Wanna walk to class together?" "Sure." Jenna said and smiled as we walked to class. After that,she had English and I had science,so we couldn't walk together. "Some of my teammates are in English too,so if they give you a hard time,tell me at lunch,'kay?" I told her. "How about I get your number? I can text you and tell you if they bully me. "I laughed and we exchanged phones. "What's so funny?" Jenna asked, confused. "The way you said 'bully me'. You were like a cute fourth grader." I replied. She playfully slugged me. "Oh my God." she said and laughed as the bell rang. Kids started to walk into classes until it was just me and Jenna in the corridor. She handed my phone back to me. "See you later. And don't forget to text me if they 'bully you'" I mocked. "I will,bye!" she said and started walking to class. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "But seriously,they can be real jerks sometimes, especially to new kids,so tell me if they're too harsh. I'll deal with them." I said sternly and let her go. "I will,don't worry." Jenna said and started walking to class. 'Protective much. does he like me? I guess we'll find out. " she thought to herself as she sat down in class. 'Why am I so protective of her? Do I like her? I can't. The team would make my life hell if I did. ' I thought to myself and sighed as I walked to science class in the empty halls.

Midway during class,I got a text from Jenna. "Hey,your friends keep throwing paper at me and calling me a nerd. Will you text them and ask them to stop, please?" "I'm on my way. Why doesn't the teacher do anything?" I texted back. "She's out of class. But you don't have to leave class. Just text them please. " she replied. "No,I'm coming over. They won't listen to a stupid text. I'll be there in ten." I Said before asking my science teacher to go to the bathroom. They gave me the pass,and I started walking to English.

When I got there the teacher still wasn't in class. I walked over to Jenna and told her to take her stuff and wait for me outside. "Aw, Matthew's protecting his girlfriend,the nerd!" My friend Jake mocked and laughed. I punched him and broke his nose as the teacher walked in. "Dude,what the heck!" Jake shouted and held his bleeding nose. "Mr Robinson,that is unacceptable behaviour! Principals office,now!" The English teacher,Ms Smith shouted at me. I took a hundred dollar bill out my pocket and put it on the teachers desk. "Jake, go to the nurse's office before you bleed all on the floor."Jake left holding his broken nose and I walked off with Jenna. "Where are you two going?" Ms Smith asked and followed me and Jenna. I took out a fifty dollar bill and handed it to her before continuing to walk with Jenna. It was almost lunch so we went to the bleachers by the football field to sit down. I held my hand in pain as we sat down.

Jenna noticed and asked if I was okay. "Yeah,just sprained my wrist when I punched Jake." She took her scarf off and wrapped up wrapped it around my hand and wrist. "Try not to move it too much." she said. "You know,you didn't have to punch him. You just lost a friend because of it." "It's ok. He wasn't a good friend anyway. And I did it to protect you." "Why would you need to protect me?" Jenna asked. "Do you like me or something?" She joked. "Maybe." I said, not looking at her. "Prove it." she said with a smirk. "What?" I asked,shocked. "Prove it." she repeated, looking into my eyes. "Fine." I said and kissed her. I winced in pain as I moved my hand too far and it hurt my wrist. "Hey,be careful." Jenna said after breaking the kiss. "Whatever." I replied and kissed her again,this time with one hand under her chin and the hurt one on her waist. Then the bell rang for lunch. "Let's go somewhere more private. " I sad and we got up. We went to the parking and climbed into my Jeep,where we made out.