

The Garden Of Life
The Garden of Life

I've planted my seedlings.. oh so delicatley and perfectly in place to allow room for growth. I've conditioned the soil with the finest ingredients to promote vitality and I've sewed these seedlings in an enriched environment with filtered daylight to establish the roots to a good start. I've sheltered them from damaging winds and immunised them from disease and bacteria. I've replenished the soil with regular maintenance and encourage them gently with the vibrations of calm musical tunes from mother natures gentle winds, the sound of water flowing in the pond, the humming of the bees and chirping of the birds. Watching them grow and flourish as I tend to them daily is rewarding to say the least.

Like everything we do in life, if we dont put in the required attention and care, we would die as a human race from disease and starvation. But.. if we put in the effort and do it with passion and drive the rewards will flow. There may be bad days and stumbling setbacks but that's how we learn and mature and through persistence we plant the seeds for life to pass on to the next generation.
© Derani