

Echoes of Unrequited Love: Numan's Journey of Heartbreak.
In the bustling city of Crestwood, there lived a young man named Numan. With a heart full of dreams and a soul yearning for love, Numan found himself captivated by the enchanting beauty of Saman, a girl who seemed to radiate sunshine wherever she went.

As days turned into weeks, Numan's admiration for Saman grew stronger. He would steal glances at her from afar, his heart racing with every encounter. But fate had a cruel twist in store for him. One fateful day, Numan mustered the courage to confess his feelings, only to be met with a gentle rejection.

Saman's rejection left Numan's world in ruins. He felt as if his entire existence had been shattered into a million pieces. Yet, instead of letting despair consume him, Numan's love for Saman only intensified. He convinced himself that if he loved her enough, she would eventually reciprocate his feelings.

Numan's obsession with Saman became all-consuming. He would spend hours writing her heartfelt letters, pouring out his emotions onto paper. He would follow her from a distance, hoping to catch a glimpse of her smile. His friends and family grew concerned, but Numan was too lost in his own world to notice.

As time passed, Numan's love for Saman became a destructive force. He neglected his studies, his friendships, and even his own well-being. His health deteriorated, and his mind grew clouded with thoughts of Saman.

One stormy night, as the rain pounded against his window, Numan reached his breaking point. In a moment of desperation, he penned a final letter to Saman, expressing his undying love and the pain he had endured. With tears streaming down his face, he sealed the letter and set out into the storm.

With a heavy heart, Numan made his way to Saman's house. He stood outside her window, the rain drenching him to the bone, and placed the letter on her doorstep. As he turned to leave, a bolt of lightning illuminated the sky, revealing Saman's silhouette in her window.

Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, and in that instant, Numan felt a surge of hope. But it was too late. Saman closed the curtains, leaving Numan alone in the darkness.

Defeated and heartbroken, Numan walked away, his soul shattered beyond repair. He had given his all, but it wasn't enough. From that day forward, Numan carried the weight of his unrequited love, a constant reminder of the pain he had endured.

© Syed Musaib