

That wierd you and me..
Seeing a couple on television and suddenly it struck my mind... Oh shoot am I not facing similar problem? Or may be little more to this!

The girl over there has loved him in the same way I did... And now... She hates him in the same way I do..? How's it even possible? To love someone to such an extend that you could never love someone like that... and now... hating someone to such an extend that you could never hate someone like this...?

When did all these change?
How did all these change?
Why did all these change?
And what are all these changes for?

Let's start from where all these started...
You... and me... the beautiful connection of destiny...

Do you remember the day we met?
In a blood donation camp...
where you were the organizer and I was a volunteer...
Why does my eyes get wet when I remember those moments?

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