

meaning of my life
Everyone have different ideas or reasons about the meaning of life..
The more I learn about life,
The more I understand
That I make mistakes,
I'm to focus about thing that happens around me.. Until it hurt me..
Im to focus about to support but I forget about my own feelings...
I'm to focus about the things that not happen,
Or stress about something that not yet happen..
But I forgot to grateful
The moment I have now..
Life is to accept and learn from it..
Life is not focus on others,
But focus on how we can handle things that happen to us..life is respect other,
Not change them,
But to understand,
Like you want other to respect you and not change you.. Unless you want to change yourself.
Try to be your best version..
Just you not be others else..
Understand not all people will accept and love us,
Understand that all of us have different experiences in life... But share love with each other even we are different..
Life sometimes is tough,
Everyone will experience the things, heart breaks, pain, mad, happy.. Grateful..
And that the real reality about life..
No one will have a great ending in life..
One days every one will leave us,. The only thing remains is ourselves.. Without loving and understand ourselves, without having mistakes we never know how is our strength..life is beautiful,
When you think its beautiful. Always see good in a bad situation And learn from your past and from other.