

Giant of Africa(Vol.1)
Oh, Nigeria, a land of unbridled potential, forged through the fires of amalgamation! Your sons and daughters are beacons of knowledge and talent, blazing trails across the globe. As the cradle of the resilient Black Race, your people have endured the bitter sting of colonialism, only to emerge stronger and more determined.

Dear Black Race, renowned for your thick skins that mirror resilience, despite the shackles of oppression, your ancestors' dreams were stifled by the very hands that promised development. Yet, the advent of the internet has somewhat alleviated your struggles. But, alas, the question remains: why do you still seek greener pastures in the lands of those who once exploited them?

Nigeria stands out as a leader among black nations, achieving excellence in various fields despite facing challenges. The country's entertainment industry is thriving, with Nollywood and Afrobeats gaining global recognition. With over 500 ethnic groups, Nigeria boasts a rich cultural heritage and is the most populous black nation. Its natural resources, tourist attractions, and strong religious foundation make it a unique and prayerful country. In spite of these feats, your leaders continue to disappoint. They promise heaven on earth but deliver only deceit and corruption. They forget their campaign promises and instead line their pockets with embezzled funds.

Similarly, Nigeria's contributions to literature are significant, producing celebrated authors like the first African Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka; the home of Chinua Achebe, the writer of "Things Fall Apart" the book that has been translated to several world top languages); the country's finance sector is also robust, home to accomplished professionals and wealthy individuals. With a significant population ranking seventh globally, Lagos, its largest city, is the second most visited and populated city in Africa. Nigeria's natural resources, tourist attractions, and religious diversity make it a hub for literature and finance, earning its reputation as a trailblazer among black nations.

But are the masses to blame? No! For despite the setbacks, your people remain pace-setters in the world. Your nation is a beacon of hope for other black countries. Your literature, finance, and innovation are testaments to your greatness. The answer to your woes lies in the roots of your leaders. What values did they learn at home? What did their society teach them? What did their teachers instill in them? Have their past records been marked by good deeds? Are their qualifications genuine?

Furthermore, the country was named after the Niger-Benue river by Flora Shaw in the late 1800s, gained independence from British rule after years of exploitation. Post-independence, the nation transitioned from a parliamentary system to military rule in response to rampant corruption, and eventually embraced democracy following advocacy efforts by the elite. Despite these changes, the country's trajectory remains unchanged. The question remains: what steps can be taken to address the ongoing challenges and ensure a better future for its citizens?

All in all, a new nation is possible, built on the belief in your people and your land. A nation where leaders are true servants of the masses, not self-serving elites. The Giant of Africa must rise again, stronger and more united than ever.© OluVickky Creative Place