

How to cope up with envious people
Yes,envious people. People who spit flowers when asked but have loads of venom inside. People who judge you on the basis of your achievements and to an extent this is good,right?

No, they judge you by saying, 'extremely Lucky' when you clear an exam, 'father's money helped' when you start a business, 'a corrupt officer' when you have a big house.    

Things that hurt them, they find a way to escape that pain. How can someone be more successful then them?

And then there is You who feel hurt that why people are so jealous, so envious, I have done hard work to achieve this, but who cares, they will not stop.

So today, let's talk about dealing with envious people, how can we keep them away from affecting our mental balance, how can we cope up with them.

Let's get started:

1. Avoidance is the key.  Do it more often. When there is no need, avoid your presence at that place. But when they come to yours, obviously you have to face them, but more the distance, more the relief.

2.  Remind yourself that everything you have achieved or are going to achieve have no connection with them. Its all for you. Let them crib, who cares?

3. Use your positivity to counter them.Your house is bigger than mine, you cook this recipe more tasty than me are some of the sentences you can use to magnify your peace of mind. When you say these words, they will feel better and there would be no point of jealousy. I understand it is hard but your peace is more important.

4. Never ever tell your personal goals or plans to the people who envy you. They can create much negative environment that can hamper your positivity or can use your plans for themselves.

5. Never tell your weakness, your pain to them. They will only celebrate it and might use it against you someday. In fact, what you can do is smile in front of them so that they are a bit calm.

6. Don't show off your success to them because this will make them more bitter and they will compete harder. Why to waste energy in all that, right?

7. Don't trust these people. You need to make sure what is good or bad for yourself. As it says, appearance might be deceptive. Use your mind to differentiate between genuine and envious people.

8. Ignorance is bliss. Again, ignore them and enjoy your success. You have to ignore sometimes. There are plenty of people who are not happy with your success and you can't make them too.

Michael Jackson once said, " In a world full of hate, we must still dare to hope."