

A Dream
The end of a day I'm tired. On the window is flowers, outside is autumn. The yellow trees are beautiful...
I'm waiting my girlfriend. She's working at school.
I have prepared tea and looking on the window.
I often think my life is brilliant. I have got success and my life is great. I have a girlfriend. But it's not enough. I don't have a favourite doing. I simply spend my time. Trying to kill time. Today I have a meeting with one man. He's a interesting person. He's a photographer. He has an own business. I like him. He's a happy man. He showed me his pictures. Nature, cities are well. I admire.
And I decided to change my life I will make songs by PC. I have a good voice. I think it's a good idea. I ask my girlfriend helping me with it. A first song will be the song of dream...
My Dream.
It was long time ago. One girl lives in a small village. And she was unhappy. She has all in her life. But heart was alone. And one day she goes to an old woman. And ask her. I'm unhappy. How can I be happy?
And the old woman's told her a story about a magic necklace. It is on a mountain and nobody knows a road to there. But if you have a good heart you can find a way on this place. If you wear this necklace then happiness comes to you.
The girl goes to this place. She's going across a forest. And she met a rabbit. He said-
- Hi, where do you go?
-For happiness.
- Wow, happiness is inside us.
-Really, thanks.
- You are a good person. I have heard the happiness maybe for a river, so my mom said. She has gone away before and nobody knows where does she now.
- Probably she is happy now.
The girl goes on the river.
Time passed and she is at the river.
A lonely fisherman is sitting near a stone. She has seen the girl and say
-Hi, princess where do you go?
-For happiness.
- A gold fish can give it.
- It's a fairy tale.
- Yes, but I try to catch up and my wife said happiness is family.
- I agree.
- I have heard about a place in near the mountain. You should go to along this river.
The girl goes on the mountain.
In the evening she was at the place with a big stone. She was tired and decided to sleep.
In the morning she wake up and see a handsome boy...
He was going to this place. They have met.And heart started beat more and warm in chest. She fell in love.They can't find the necklace but back home together. Life is changed. She was happy with him.I would like to be happy too. I should find a favourite affair. I should hard finding from my heart. And today I will write a song Dream Will Be True. I'm very happy from it...
My girlfriend is back. We drunk tea and spoke a lot. The evening was great.I write first words of song and we were singing them:
I draw a dolphin
Dream of mine.
Let life is boring,
Dream be true...

© Дмитрий Галдин