

Stark Teen :Part 1
January 28,2019 was a dark and lengthly day if not a lifetime. Mom had just passed away.And it was not unexpectedly too,it was about time if you ask me
Chronic heart disease was her fate of death .I could
never WISH that on anybody's parent... its a lifetime traumatic experience... I could never...
I remember arriving home everyday from school, she'd actually be spring cleaning the house , all reeked with the scent of lilac and lavender so sweet it tickled the tip of my nostrils.This was accompanied by lamb and chicken stew aromas ,my naughty tongue rolled itself in and out .
This circus of scents and aroma trapezing all over the room were just one of those little things that made my house a home. So I'm pretty sure you wondering where all my siblings are at right? well if not then that's okay too.
Being the first of six kids is HELL!! Those little turnips running all over the place can be more than just irritating. The feeling can be discribed to wanting to shave your head bald out of madness.Crazy right?
Well its a little relieving when your younger sister is a year younger than you, I've...